11906 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2014-11-19
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Teller: 16817)
Guzmania aff. farciminiformis
(Geladen als: Guzmania )
Verzamel locatie: Peru - Amazonas - Near Leimebamba in cloud forest. Very large plant to more than 1.5 meters tall. Grows in wet forests near the floor. Has white flowers.
Fotograaf: Jerry Raack (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
Determinatie: Opgelost
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking (11907): Jerry Raack (2014-11-19) - Is this Guzmania calothyrsus?
- Determinatie (11907): Walter Till (2014-11-20) =Guzmania cf. coriostachya
- This species not yet recorded for Peru. Leaves seem to be wider in the Peruvian sample but otherwise would fit well
- Opmerking (11907): Jerry Raack (2014-11-20) - Yes, this seems to fit well. The picture on the Florida Picture library fits much better than the picture on the Brom-L Encylopedia. All the plants I saw of this were past blooming except for this one, so all were a dark brown color without any hint of the red that might come when first starting to flower. Given the widespread range of this species, it would not be a stretch to believe it occurs in Peru.
- Opmerking (11907): Eric Gouda (2014-11-20) - I have several records for Pasco and San Martin and one of Ucayali. I think I got records from Oxapampa too. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Opmerking (11907): Paulo Peralta (2014-11-21) - Besides the differences mentioned by W. Till, in the picture of FCBS library the leaves of G. coriostachya have acuminate tip, while in these pictures the tip of the leaves are acute. Even though the inflorescence of the shown pictures here contains similar white flowers, note that the stamens are superior than the stigma, and in the G. coriostachya the stamens are inferior to stigma. Moreover, the shapes of the inflorescence does not look the same in both plants; while in G. coriostachya it is more elliptic in the unknown species it looks more ovate. Finally the bracts of the unknown species go all the way up in the scape and in G. coriostachya they reach only the middle part. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)
- Determinatie (11907): José M. Manzanares (2015-06-21) =Guzmania farciminiformis
- Determinatie (11907): Eric Gouda (2017-12-15) =Guzmania aff. farciminiformis
- Don't think this is G.farciminiformis, maybe a new species, see also record 12865 (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)