9153 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2011-10-13 (Dimensie: 4318 x 2898 pixels - Teller: 12426) Guzmania squarrosa (Geladen als: Guzmania ) Verzamel locatie: Ecuador - Prov. Zamora-Chinchipe; close to Zamora; entrance of Podocarpus NP ""Bombuscaro"", tall premontane moist forest Fotograaf: Florian Werner Opmerking: Col.: Werner, F.A. 3122 (08-04-2011) else often terrestrial in thick raw humus. Rather compact species that grows up into the midstorey. Unmistakable intense red leaf striping even in mature plants. Juveniles in their compactness resembling rather a Tillandsia. Flower-advertising bracts red or, in center, yellow. Determinatie: Opgelost (Klik op de foto om te vergroten)