1854 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2007-07-16
(Dimensie: 952 x 1279 pixels - Teller: 18506)
Guzmania melinonis

(Geladen als: Guzmania)
Fotograaf: Peter Tristram
Opmerking: Another in the recently discussed group. From Knize.
Determinatie: Opgelost
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking (1855): Eric Gouda (2007-07-16) - I would repeat Guzmania berteroniana, but interestingly you have this type with short nearly erect petals and the type with long exerted recurving petals as the picture posted to the gallery by Bruce Dunstan. It would be interesting to search for some more differences.
- Opmerking (1855): Harry E. Luther (2007-07-16) - Looks like G. melinonis especially since its Peruvian or Bolivian. HEL