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Newsletter 97 - February 2019

Invitation to the Spring Meeting on Sunday 31 March, 2019

Dear Members,


This is to invite you to our Spring Meeting on Sunday 31 March. Once more, everyone will be welcome in the conservatory of the Utrecht Botanical Gardens, Harvardlaan entrance, from 10 a.m. on. Until around 11 a.m. we can chat to one another, drink tea or coffee, admire the plants on show, consult the literature and so on.



Fig. 1 t/m 3 Plant Portraits Tillandsia aff. tomaselli , photos Eric Gouda

  • At 11 a.m. there will be a membership meeting for which the agenda is attached.

This will be followed by a discussion of the plants brought by members together with plants from the Botanical Gardens collections. Obviously it is a pleasure when there are show specimens on the table but don't be embarrassed to bring the occasional problem plant. After all, we have a lot of know-how about cultivation between us, from questions and being shown how comes wisdom. Why does this Tillandsia not flower for me? Where did the spots on this species' leaves come from ... and so on. Bring it along to the discussion and take advantage of the advice you'll be given!


During lunch there will be an auction of plants provided for the purpose. It is Spring and members will probably be re-potting the odd bromeliad. So if you can spare any of the plants or cuttings for your co-hobbyists, that would be great!


The afternoon programme will be provided by Renate Gouda. She will take us on a trip in Brazil that she made with her husband Eric and friends, going all the way from Rio Grande do Sul to Pernambuco. Knowing Renate, this will be an exciting travel story!


We hope very much to greet you all again on 31 March.


On behalf of the Board, Eric Gouda, chairman.

Agenda for the membership meeting on 31 March 2019

  • 1. Chairman's announcements.
  • 2. Treasurer's announcements.
  • 3. Report of the audit committee for 2018.
  • 4. Composition of the audit committee for 2019.
  • 5. Report of the Autumn Meeting on September 30, 2018. (Newsletter 96).
  • 6. Looking back on a visit to Ibes Handelskwekerij on 16 March 2019.
  • 7. Open Day on 8 June 2019 with Mr Ebbink, Haaksbergen.
  • 8. Further contact group activities (secretary).
  • 9. Any other business and closure

Financial report

Plant Portraits

Figures 1 to 3 are of a Tillandsia sourced via Peter Bak from Pam Koide (Bird Rock, US). It is a spectacular giant, larger than most T. xerographicas and is probably a cross between this species and one from the T. fasciculata group. The species shown below is Aechmea recurvata var. ortgiesii, one of the many forms of this widespread species.


Fig. 4 t/m 5 Plant Portraits Aechmea recurvata var. ortgiesii , photos Eric Gouda

Bijgewerkt: 2019-03-08, 1850 keer bekeken

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