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From Newsletter 65 - March 2013

The following is the part of the February 2013 newsletter that may be of interest to non-members of the BCG who do not read Dutch. The main part of the newsletter is details of two BCG member outings, one to the IBES nursery in Huissen and one to Burger's Zoo in Arnhem.


Once again I have persuaded Eric Gouda to embellish this newsletter with his pictures and descriptions.


On behalf of the BCG officers, Roel Tomassen; roeltomassen@tele2.nl or tel. 072 5716942.

Bromeliad Portraits II

Guzmania cabrerae, foto Eric Gouda

This Guzmania cabrerae is certainly not very commonly found in collections. The inflorescence of the example in the picture may not have developed properly. Not all the flowers opened and there were few flowers open together at any time. It is, however, a very attractive species from Colombia, this particular one is from Valle del Cauca Department but it can also be found in Antioquia Department


Hohenbergia polycephala, foto Eric Gouda

Lastly, here is the not very colourful, Jamaican, Hohenbergia polycephala, a fairly large plant with a brown inflorescence. There should be a so-called Morren Plate of it but I have not been able to track it down. I have not been able to find any other illustrations of it.


Translation: MaryRose Hoare

Bijgewerkt: 20140401, 3104 keer bekeken


Belgique Horticole
