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Newsletter 94 - May 2018

Report on the Spring Meeting in Utrecht on March 10th 2018.

The icy weather did not stop 25 members from coming to the conservatory of the Botanical Gardens where the tea and coffee stood ready from 10 a.m. to loosen their tongues. Naturally there were greetings back and forth and admiration of the plants they had brought, whether intended for the plant discussion or for the auction to be held later.


At 11 a.m. chairman Eric Gouda opened the housekeeping meeting and welcomed all those present. Sadly, our treasurer, Piet van Beest was missing as he had 'the flu but our secretary, Roel Tomassen, was present.


Fig. 1 & 2 Plant discussion of plants on show Quesnelia lateralis, photos Ruud de Block

  • 1. Chairman's announcements and incoming mail.The chairman drew the members' attention to a pair of books by the late Professor Werner Rauh (†) (Heidelberg 1970) entitled “Bromelien für Zimmer und Gewächshaus”. Anyone interested could bid on them during the auction.
  • 2. Treasurer's announcements and financial report from the treasurer and the audit committee. Hans Willems announced that the audit committee had checked the financial administration and found it in order. The spokesman thought all of this was in good hands with our treasurer. The members noted this appreciatively and the board was cleared.
  • 3. Nomination of the audit committee for 2018 from and by the members. Gerard van Heusden retired after two years. Along with Hans Willems, Gerard van Kooten was willing to be a member of the audit committee for 2018.
  • 4. Report on the Autumn Meeting of 8 October 2017, newsletter 91. The report was accepted as sent out.
  • 5. Group activities. The chairman announced that our member, Nico Bouthoorn who lives in Driebruggen, had organised an Open House on 28 January this year. Probably about ten people accepted the invitation. As a technician, he had automated various things which were also very interesting to see. The Van der Hoeven family were willing to organise the next Open House on the coming Sunday 10 June. An invitation to the members would follow in due course.
  • 6. Announcements from Facebook. In the absence of the administrator, Jasper van den Driesche, this point was deferred to a future meeting.
  • 7. Autumn Meeting. This was already scheduled for Sunday 30 September 2018, once again in the conservatory of the Utrecht Botanical Garden.

    Other business

  • Jeroen van der Steen showed a roll of aluminium foil (available from various DIY shops and others) which is ideal for making plant labels. The plant data engraved on the foil can then be stuck to a plastic label. This solves the problem of names etc. printed in pen on the plastic disappearing over time.
  • The chairman pointed out that if necessary all that is needed on the label is a number which is of course matched to those details of the relevant plant that have been stored in a notebook and/or database.
  • The secretary referred to a presentation made some years ago by one of our members (Uwe Scharf) about the importance of keeping accurate details of your plants, their names, origin, when and how acquired etc.
  • Gerard van Heusden asked whether - in view of the healthy state of the BCG finances - a trip by bus to the Heidelberg Botanical Garden (for example) might be feasible. The board worried that such a trip - occupying at least a weekend - would mean the members themselves contributing a good deal to cover bus, hotel and other expenses.
  • The chairman said he was also thinking of, in due course, putting together a small booklet, a kind of manual for bromeliad cultivation and all its related facts.
  • The secretary was prepared to talk once again to the Ibes family in Huissen about the possibility of an excursion to their nursery (tillandsias).
This ended the housekeeping meeting.


Fig. 1 & 2 Plant discussion of several plants in the show, photos Leo Dijkgraaf

Plant discussion of plants on show.

Eric Gouda discussed various plants brought by members, together with some species from the Botanical Garden's collections. Aechmea tessmannii, red-leaved; a rope of various billbergia species; a rope of Tillandsia albertiana; Deuterocohnia longipetala; a rope of Tillandsia ionantha seedlings (20 years old); tillandsia species such as nolleriana,

caulescens, streptocarpa, lorentziana, edithae, tectorum, barclayana, melanocrater, foliosa, vicentina, achyrostachys, Quesnelia lateralis, Aechmea pseudonudicaulis, Aechmea lanjouwii and finally the Pitcairnias daysiana and heterophylla. After the lunch break came the auction of plants donated for it and in this way many a member went home with a new

acquisition! In the afternoon came Cees Gouda and Bert Westerman with their story of travels through North Peru in March 2017 during the period of the major floods. Their hopes of searching for bromeliads were largely frustrated by the persistent


On behalf of the Board,


Eric Gouda, layout.
Roel Tomassen, report.


Translation: MaryRose Hoare

Bijgewerkt: 20181203, 1432 keer bekeken

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