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From Newsletter 72 - April 2014

Dear Bromeliad-friends,

The Hortus Botanicus in Leiden has agreed to our having a guided tour of the gardens on the morning of Saturday May 24, 2014.


Due to the available capacity at the Hortus, registration for this tour will be limited to 20 BCG members and with a closing date of May 10 2014 for signing up. If it turns out, after this closing date, that less than 20 members have signed up then introducés, in order of application, may be able to come along.


Impression of the previous visit to the Hortus Botanicus in Leiden in 2008 (Newsletter 36).


You can sign up for this excursion with the Secretary, Roel Tomassen, roeltomassen@tele2.nl, tel. 072 5716942. Registration will be in order of receipt. Please say if you have a 'museumjaarkaart' (Museum Year Card) - remember to take it with you when you go - and also if you want to sign up an introducé.


A list of participants will be distributed after May 10.


Art Vogel told us about Amorphophallus titanus

The guided tour will be led by Art Vogel, former head of the Hortus greenhouses and a member of our Contact Group. We are very grateful to him!

There will be no charge to our members for this visit. Participants are asked to be there in good time, in other words, please gather between 10am and 10:30am!


There will be no charge to our members for this visit. Participants are asked to be there in good time, in other words, please gather between 10am and 10:30am!

We refer you to the website of the Hortus www.hortusleiden.nl for information about accessibility of the gardens by car or public transport.


On arrival, please notify the pay desk that you are taking part in the excursion. Then everyone will be welcomed in the Garden Café with coffee and cake. The guided tour will start at 11am and afterwards everyone will be free to visit the garden on their own or in small groups.


On behalf of the Board,


Roel Tomassen


Translation: MaryRose Hoare

Bijgewerkt: 20150310, 1704 keer bekeken


Belgique Horticole
