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Newsletter 68 - August 2013

Visit to Burgers' Zoo

On Saturday June 22nd 2013, 29 of us, members and their guests, met at Burgers' Zoo for a visit to the tropical pavilion, called The Bush. The welcome meeting was from ten to eleven o'clock in the attractive restaurant in The Bush. We were all seated at a long table which was reserved for the group and, while enjoying coffee and cake, could say hello to each other and catch up on the news.


Burgers Bush, photographs Ruud de Block

Ernst Kamphuis, Head of the Burgers' Zoo greenhouses, was also present during the welcome and the coffee after which he led the excursion into the huge pavilion which houses an enormous variety of tropical crops, trees, shrubs and plants. As one wanders over the paths, partly covered in tree bark, one can truly imagine one is in a tropical rainforest. The wood is also home to various tropical birds, including ibis, as well as to lizards. Ernst Kamphuis never tired of answering the many questions that were fired at him and still managing to point out the special features of some flowers or their mode of growing that might otherwise have escaped notice. The many enthusiasts with cameras and videos could also enjoy recording all the interesting and beautiful things for later.


Burgers Bush, photographsRuud de Block

Lunchtime brought an end to the walk and our leader presented Ernst with two bottles of wine and thanked him on behalf of all of us for the exciting trip through the rainforest.


Afterwards everyone was free to spend the rest of the afternoon in Burgers' Zoo in whatever way they chose.


Burgers Bush, photographsRuud de Block


Afterwards, various members wrote to the Board to thank for the excursion, saying how much they had enjoyed it. Our thanks for these reactions, from which we can safely assume that this can go in the records as an extremely successful day out


On behalf of the Board,

Story and photos: Roel Tomassen

Layout: Eric Gouda


Translation: MaryRose Hoare

Bijgewerkt: 20140401, 3827 keer bekeken

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