<- Mez 1896 (Book) Miscellaneous


Author(s):C. Mez in De Candolle, C. (ed.). Monographiae Phanerogamarum

Publication:—Masson & Cie., Paris France (1896). — DOI

Pages: 990 Illustrations: not illustrated Size: 16x24 cm

Published names (507):
Aechmea ampullacea*
Aechmea dichlamydea*
Aechmea eggersii*
Aechmea fendleri
Aechmea humilis *
Aechmea kienastii*
Aechmea kuntzeana*
Aechmea nudicaulis var. sulcata*
Aechmea pitcairnioides*
Aechmea pittieri
Aechmea polystachia var. excavate *
Aechmea remotiflora*
Aechmea rhodocyanea*
Aechmea rubiginosa
Aechmea serrata
Aechmea smithiorum
Aechmea sprucei *
Aechmea tomentosa
Aerobia (subgen. of Tillandsia)
Andrea selloana *
Androlepis donnellsmithii*
Aregelia ampullacea*
Aregelia binotii*
Aregelia carcharodon*
Aregelia carolinae*
Aregelia chlorosticta*
Aregelia compacta*
Aregelia concentrica*
Aregelia coriacea*
Aregelia cruenta*
Aregelia cyanea*
Aregelia elegans*
Aregelia johannis*
Aregelia laurentii*
Aregelia leucophaea*
Aregelia longebracteata*
Aregelia marmorata*
Aregelia morreniana*
Aregelia morreniana var. phyllanthidea*
Aregelia princeps*
Aregelia princeps var. phyllanthidea*
Aregelia sarmentosa*
Aregelia spectabilis*
Aregelia tristis*
Billbergia nutans var. schimperiana
Billbergia pallidiflora*
Billbergiopsis (subgen. of Quesnelia)
Bromelia humilis*
Bromelia lasiantha*
Bromelia niduspuellae
Bromelia palmeri
Caraguata (subgen. of Guzmania)*
Catopsis berteroniana
Catopsis morreniana
Catopsis mosenii *
Catopsis oerstediana*
Catopsis sessiliflora
Catopsis tenella *
Catopsis wawranea
Chevaliera comata*
Chevaliera stephanophora*
Conostachys (section of Vriesea)*
Cryptanthus acaulis var. bromelioides *
Cryptanthus acaulis var. discolor *
Cryptanthus acaulis var. diversifolius *
Cryptanthus acaulis var. genuinus *
Deinacanthon urbanianum
Deuterocohnia chrysantha*
Deuterocohnia meziana
Dyckia boliviensis*
Dyckia conspicua*
Dyckia elata
Dyckia elongata
Dyckia encholirioides
Dyckia ferox
Dyckia ferruginea
Dyckia gracilis
Dyckia hilaireana*
Dyckia kuntzeana*
Dyckia pedicellata*
Dyckia saxatilis
Dyckia sellowiana
Dyckia tomentosa
Dyckia uleana
Encholirium subsecundum
Eucatopsis (subgen. of Catopsis)*
Euguzmania (subgen. of Guzmania)*
Euhohenbergia (subgen. of Hohenbergia)*
Euquesnelia (subgen. of Quesnelia)*
Eustreptocalyx (subgen. of Streptocalyx)*
Fascicularia parviflora*
Glomeropitcairnia (subgen. of Pitcairnia)*
Gravisia brassicoides *
Gravisia exsudans*
Greigia pearcei
Guzmania acorifolia
Guzmania andreana
Guzmania bakeri
Guzmania balanophora*
Guzmania beleana *
Guzmania berteroniana
Guzmania brachycephala *
Guzmania bracteosa
Guzmania calamifolia
Guzmania calamifolia var. calamifolia
Guzmania calothyrsus
Guzmania candelabrum
Guzmania capituligera*
Guzmania compacta
Guzmania conifera
Guzmania coriostachya
Guzmania cornuaulti*
Guzmania dussii
Guzmania eduardii
Guzmania fastuosa*
Guzmania fawcettii
Guzmania gloriosa
Guzmania goudotiana
Guzmania gracilior
Guzmania harrisii*
Guzmania hygrometrica *
Guzmania insignis*
Guzmania lehmanniana
Guzmania lepidota
Guzmania lindenii
Guzmania lingulata
Guzmania lingulata var. cardinalis
Guzmania longipetala
Guzmania magna*
Guzmania megastachya
Guzmania minor *
Guzmania monostachia
Guzmania morreniana
Guzmania mosquerae
Guzmania mucronata
Guzmania multiflora
Guzmania musaica
Guzmania ororiensis*
Guzmania osyana
Guzmania palustris
Guzmania peacockii *
Guzmania pleiosticha*
Guzmania pleiosticha*
Guzmania plumieri
Guzmania poortmanii
Guzmania roezlii
Guzmania sanguinea
Guzmania sanguinea var. erecta*
Guzmania scherzeriana
Guzmania sintenisii*
Guzmania sphaeroidea
Guzmania splitgerberi*
Guzmania straminea
Guzmania strobilantha
Guzmania urbaniana*
Guzmania vanvolxemii
Guzmania ventricosa
Guzmania virescens
Guzmania vittata
Guzmania wittmackii
Guzmania zahnii
Hechtia bracteata
Hechtia capituligera
Hechtia desmetiana*
Hechtia gamopetala*
Hechtia morreniana*
Hechtia podantha
Hechtia suaveolens
Hepetis albiflos*
Hepetis alborubra*
Hepetis albucifolia*
Hepetis altensteinii*
Hepetis altensteinii var. gigantea*
Hepetis amazonica*
Hepetis andreana*
Hepetis angustifolia*
Hepetis anthericoides*
Hepetis aphelandriflora*
Hepetis arcuata*
Hepetis atrorubens*
Hepetis atrorubens var. lamarcheana*
Hepetis bakeri*
Hepetis beycalema*
Hepetis brachysperma*
Hepetis brittoniana *
Hepetis bromelifolia *
Hepetis brongniartiana*
Hepetis burchelli*
Hepetis caldasiana*
Hepetis camptocalyx*
Hepetis camptocalyx var. lutea*
Hepetis camptocalyx var. robusta*
Hepetis caricifolia*
Hepetis carinata*
Hepetis carioana*
Hepetis carnea*
Hepetis caulescens*
Hepetis cinnabarina*
Hepetis claussenii*
Hepetis consimilis*
Hepetis corallina*
Hepetis corcovadensis*
Hepetis dendroidea*
Hepetis densiflora*
Hepetis devansayana*
Hepetis dietrichiana*
Hepetis echinata*
Hepetis ensifolia*
Hepetis fendleri*
Hepetis ferruginea*
Hepetis flammea*
Hepetis fulgens *
Hepetis funckiana*
Hepetis glaziovii*
Hepetis glymiana*
Hepetis gracilis*
Hepetis guaritermae*
Hepetis hemsleyana*
Hepetis heterophylla*
Hepetis heterophylla var. exscapa*
Hepetis imbricata*
Hepetis incarnata*
Hepetis inermis*
Hepetis integrifolia*
Hepetis iridiflora*
Hepetis kalbreyeri*
Hepetis karwinskyana*
Hepetis kegeliana*
Hepetis klabochiana*
Hepetis lancifolia*
Hepetis latifolia var. cubensis*
Hepetis laxissima*
Hepetis lechleri*
Hepetis lehmanni *
Hepetis leprieurei *
Hepetis lindeni *
Hepetis longebracteata*
Hepetis lorentziana*
Hepetis macranthera*
Hepetis macrobotrys*
Hepetis maidifolia*
Hepetis megasepala*
Hepetis membranifolia*
Hepetis meridensis*
Hepetis microcalyx*
Hepetis moreli *
Hepetis moritziana*
Hepetis multiramosa*
Hepetis muscosa*
Hepetis nigra*
Hepetis nubigena*
Hepetis nuda*
Hepetis ochroleuca*
Hepetis odontopoda*
Hepetis oerstediana*
Hepetis orgyalis*
Hepetis palmeri*
Hepetis paniculata *
Hepetis pauciflora*
Hepetis pavonii*
Hepetis penduliflora *
Hepetis petiolata*
Hepetis platypetala*
Hepetis platyphylla*
Hepetis platystemon*
Hepetis poeppigiana*
Hepetis poortmani *
Hepetis pruinosa*
Hepetis puberula*
Hepetis pulchella*
Hepetis pulverulenta*
Hepetis pungens*
Hepetis punicea*
Hepetis pusilla*
Hepetis ramosa *
Hepetis recurvata*
Hepetis reflexiflora *
Hepetis ringens*
Hepetis roezlii*
Hepetis rubiginosa*
Hepetis ruiziana*
Hepetis schiedeana*
Hepetis schlimii*
Hepetis selloana*
Hepetis selloviana*
Hepetis spectabilis*
Hepetis spicata*
Hepetis spicata var. sulphurea*
Hepetis splendens*
Hepetis sprucei*
Hepetis staminea*
Hepetis staminea var. longicauda*
Hepetis stenophylla*
Hepetis straminea*
Hepetis suaveolens*
Hepetis subpetiolata*
Hepetis sulfurea*
Hepetis tabuliformis*
Hepetis taenipetala*
Hepetis tarapotensis*
Hepetis tenuis*
Hepetis theae*
Hepetis tomentosa *
Hepetis trianae*
Hepetis tuerckheimii*
Hepetis uaupensis*
Hepetis undulata *
Hepetis vallisoletana*
Hepetis weddelliana*
Hepetis xanthocalyx*
Hohenbergia antillana*
Hohenbergia ferruginea*
Hohenbergia oligosphaera*
Hohenbergia penduliflora*
Hohenbergia polycephala*
Hohenbergia portoricensis*
Hohenbergia ramageana
Hohenbergia sellowiana *
Hoplophytum spicatum*
Lindmania albicans*
Lindmania guianensis
Lindmania neogranatensis*
Lindmania pearcei*
Lindmania weddelliana*
Massangea (subgen. of Guzmania)*
Navia angustifolia
Nidularium burchellii*
Nidularium meyendorffii var. pruinosum *
Orthophytum glabrum
Orthophytum leprosum
Pironneava (subgen. of Streptocalyx)*
Pitcairnia alta*
Pitcairnia gracilis*
Pitcairnia latifolia var. cubensis*
Pitcairnia multiramosa
Pitcairnia penduliflora*
Pitcairnia platyphylla*
Pitcairnia platystemon
Pitcairnia spicata
Pitcairnia spicata*
Pitcairnia spicata var. sulphurea*
Pitcairnia staminea var. longicauda*
Pitcairnia tenuis*
Pitcairnia tomentosa*
Pitcairniopsis (subgen. of Puya)*
Podaechmea (subgen. of Aechmea)
Pourretia (subgen. of Puya)*
Prionophyllum maritimum*
Purpurospadix (subgen. of Aechmea)*
Puya achupalla*
Puya angusta*
Puya augustae*
Puya berteroniana x
Puya bicolor
Puya brachystachya
Puya chilensis var. β gigantea*
Puya coquimbensis*
Puya dyckioides
Puya exigua
Puya floccosa*
Puya floccosa
Puya gaudichaudii*
Puya goudotiana
Puya humilis
Puya kuntzeana
Puya lineata
Puya mollis
Puya nitida
Puya pastoensis*
Puya pearcei
Puya ruiziana*
Puya rusbyi
Puya spathacea
Puya stenothyrsa
Puya tuberosa
Puya tunarensis
Puya violacea*
Puya weberiana
Puya weddelliana
Quesnelia rhodocyanea*
Rhodostachys carneus *
Rhodostachys chamissonis*
Rhodostachys elegans *
Rhodostachys leiboldiana*
Ronnbergia maidifolia
Schlumbergeria (subgen. of Guzmania)*
Sodiroa trianae *
Thecophyllum (subgen. of Guzmania)*
Tillandsia adpressiflora
Tillandsia aerisincola*
Tillandsia aizoides
Tillandsia angulosa
Tillandsia arequitae
Tillandsia arhiza
Tillandsia benthamiana var. andrieuxii*
Tillandsia calothyrsus
Tillandsia capillaris var. ɣ incana *
Tillandsia capillaris var. lanuginosa*
Tillandsia caricifolia*
Tillandsia chaetophylla
Tillandsia cinerea*
Tillandsia clavigera
Tillandsia coarctata var. pedicellata *
Tillandsia crispa*
Tillandsia dependens *
Tillandsia dependens var. α perusneoides *
Tillandsia dependens var. β percordobensis*
Tillandsia didistichoides
Tillandsia digitata*
Tillandsia disticha var. gracillima*
Tillandsia dominicensis*
Tillandsia ehrenbergii*
Tillandsia exaltata*
Tillandsia excelsa*
Tillandsia fasciculata var. β latispica*
Tillandsia fasciculata var. clavispica
Tillandsia fasciculata var. convexispica*
Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica
Tillandsia fasciculata var. laxispica
Tillandsia fasciculata var. pendulispica
Tillandsia fasciculata var. uncispica
Tillandsia fasciculata var. venosispica
Tillandsia fawcettii*
Tillandsia fendleri*
Tillandsia festucoides
Tillandsia flexuosa*
Tillandsia hahnii*
Tillandsia hieronymi*
Tillandsia inflata*
Tillandsia insularis*
Tillandsia ionochroma
Tillandsia kegeliana
Tillandsia kirchhoffiana*
Tillandsia kuntzeana
Tillandsia latifolia var. divaricata*
Tillandsia latifolia var. major
Tillandsia lilacina*
Tillandsia lindeniana*
Tillandsia lineatifolia*
Tillandsia lineatispica x
Tillandsia mandonii
Tillandsia melanopus*
Tillandsia melanopus*
Tillandsia meridionalis*
Tillandsia mezii*
Tillandsia ortgiesiana
Tillandsia paniculata*
Tillandsia paniculata var. costaricensis*
Tillandsia pauciflora*
Tillandsia pavonii*
Tillandsia pendulispica*
Tillandsia platyrhachis*
Tillandsia plumosa *
Tillandsia polystachia*
Tillandsia pungens*
Tillandsia rhopalocarpa*
Tillandsia rupestris*
Tillandsia sanctaecrucis*
Tillandsia schumanniana*
Tillandsia seemannii*
Tillandsia tovarensis
Tillandsia trapeziformis*
Tillandsia tripinnata*
Tillandsia tristis *
Tillandsia tucumanensis*
Tillandsia uhdei*
Tillandsia undulifolia*
Tillandsia usneoides var. cretacea*
Tillandsia usneoides var. ferruginea*
Tillandsia usneoides var. filiformis*
Tillandsia usneoides var. longissima*
Tillandsia usneoides var. robusta*
Tillandsia violascens
Vriesea alta
Vriesea brassicoides*
Vriesea caldasiana*
Vriesea dissitiflora
Vriesea drepanocarpa
Vriesea erythrodactylon
Vriesea guadelupensis *
Vriesea laxa
Vriesea longibracteata*
Vriesea macrostachya
Vriesea pachychlamys *
Vriesea paniculata *
Vriesea paniculata*
Vriesea paradoxa
Vriesea psittacina x scalaris*
Vriesea ritter-von-fernsee x
Vriesea scalaris var. viridis
Vriesea sceptrum
Vriesea schwackeana
Vriesea setacea*
Vriesea stenostachya*
Vriesea tucumanensis*
Vriesea ventricosa *
Wawraea (subgen. of Quesnelia)*
Wittmackia glaziovii*
Wittmackiopsis (subgen. of Hohenbergia)*
Wittrockia (subgen. of Canistrum)*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked

Taxonomy: The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Aechmea columnaris Concidered a synonymy of Aechmea latifolia (p.225).—Caraguata morreniana non Guzmania morreniana (Linden ex E.Morren) Mez .—Hepetis anthericoides The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis brittoniana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis burchelli The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis carinata The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis ensifolia The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis fendleri The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis gracilis The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis hemsleyana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis heterophylla var. exscapa The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis lancifolia The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis latifolia var. cubensis The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis lorentziana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis multiramosa The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis oerstediana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis pavonii The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis platypetala The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis platystemon The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis poeppigiana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis pulchella The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis pusilla The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis ruiziana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis spectabilis The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis staminea var. longicauda The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis taenipetala The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis tenuis The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis theae The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Hepetis weddelliana The author writes in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published. The combinations in Hepetus as in the index are published on corresponding page numbers in the index. (p.952).—Karatas guianensis as "Bromelia guyanensis" Hort. ap. Bak. Brom. p.26. considered a synonym of Bromelia balansae Mez (p.31).—Pitcairnia brittoniana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia fendleri The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia hemsleyana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia lorentziana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia macrophylla Considdered a synonym of Aechmea latifolia (Willd.) Klotzsch (p.226).—Pitcairnia oerstediana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia pavonii The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia pulchella The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia pusilla The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia ruiziana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia ruiziana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia spectabilis The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia taenipetala The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia theae The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Pitcairnia weddelliana The author wrote in the Errata that he does not recognize the Genus Pitcairnia and we must read Hepetis instead, which means that the names need to be considered as not published and the new combinations in Pitcairnia are published his monograph in 1935 and thus as (Mez) Mez with the basionym in Hepetis. (p.952).—Rhodostachys litoralis Basionym for comb. nov. Fascicularia litoralis (p.8).—Sodiroa andreana non Guzmania andreana Mez, 1896 .—Vriesea triflora Vriesea triflora L.B.Sm. & Pittendrigh, nom. nov. for Thecophyllum panniculatum Mez & Werkle, not Vriesea paniculata Mez (1896) [= Tillandsia paniculata (L.) L. 1762)]. (p.9: 614).