1877 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2007-11-13
(Dimensie: 1530 x 2050 pixels - Teller: 16287)
Vriesea itatiaiae
(Geladen als: Aechmea wittmackiana)
Fotograaf: Estela Ikegami
Opmerking: It can be seen in Itatiaia and Nova Friburgo, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Determinatie: Opgelost
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking: Eric Gouda (2007-11-13) - This one is a Vriesea, but which one?
- Opmerking: Harry Luther (2007-11-14) - Looks like Vriesea itatiaiae
- Opmerking: Eric Gouda (2007-11-14) - Harry, thanks, it certainly looks like the plant depicted on the cover of Jour.Brom.Soc.Inc.(BSI) 1985:241, the painting in issue 1993:268 is less obvious, showing white flowers and less developped peduncle.