Mez 1935 (Book) Miscellaneous
Bromeliaceae (part 1-4)
Author(s):—C. Mez in Engler, A. (ed) Das Pflanzenreich
Publication:— (1935).
Pages: 667 Illustrations: 2 b&w-photos, 114 drawings Size: 16x24 cm
Published names (69):
Taxonomy:— Made a synonym of Tillandsia dianthoidea. Then in S&D shows as a synonym of Tillandsia aeranthos (Loiseleur) L B Smith, Lilloa 9: 200. 1943 (p.565).— Treade as a synonym of Tillandsia dianthoidea. Thence to Tillandsia aeranthos see S&D (p.565).—Acanthospora vittata Considered a synonym of Guzmania vittata (Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f.) Mez (p.632).—Aechmea caerulescens Treated as a synonym of Aechmea Luddemanniana (p.120).—Aechmea crocophylla Treated as a synonym of Aechmea pectinata (p.155).—Aechmea nudicaulis var. glabriuscula Pothuava nudicaulis ( Bromelia) L. var. glabriuscula by Regel in Gartenflora 31: 291. 1882 (Referred to in Mez 1935 as a species but the variety ignored. The same happened in S&D 1979. Should be treated as a synonym of Aechmea nudicaulis var nudicaulis) .—Aechmea rupestris as hybrid Aechmea x rupestris Ule (p.153).—Aechmea vrieseoides Placed in synonymy under Aechmea tillandsioides (p.144).—Ananas debilis Made a synonym of Ananas comosus cultivar forma debilis (p.104).—Ananassa mordilona Name not used by Linden (p.104).—Andrea alba Made a synonym of Tillandsia monadelpha (p.571).—Anoplophytum aeranthos Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia dianthoidea Rossi then to Tillandsia aeranthos in S&D 1977 833. (p.565).—Anoplophytum benthamianum Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia benthamiana. Then treated as Tillandsia erubescens by Weber in J Brom Soc 31(4): 173. 1981 (p.498).—Anoplophytum bicolor Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia bicoloe. Then treated as a synonym of Tillandsia aeranthos in S&D 1977 833 .—Billbergia angustifolia Unplaced taxon (p.200).—Billbergia chlorosticta Considered the name not validly published and a synonym of Billbergia saundersii Hort. Bull. (following Baker 1889). .—Billbergia laevis Considered a synonym of Billbergia amoena var. amoena .—Billbergia repens Treated as a synonym of Billbergia euphemiae (p.189).—Billbergia tetrantha Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia tetrantha var tetrantha now Racinaea tetrantha var tetrantha (p.501).—Billbergia thyrsiflora Treated as a synonym of Billbergia thyrsoidea. Now Billbergia pyramidalis var pyramidalis (p.189).—Brocchinia andreana Treated as a synonym of Brocchinia micrantha (p.209).—Brocchinia demerarensis Treated as a synonym of Brocchinia micrantha (p.88).—Bromelia foliis serratospinosis, obtusis, spicis alternis Treated as a synonym of Wittmackia lingulata . Now treated as a synonym of Aechmea lingulata var lingulata (p.88).—Camanbaya Brasiliensibus Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia usneoides (p.595).—Caraguata augustae Treated as a synonym of Puya Augustae. Then to Connellia augustae (p.304).—Caraguata melinonis treated as a synonym of Guzmania Melinonis (p.614).—Caraguata myriostigma treated as a synonym of Guzmania sanguinea var erecta. Thence an unknown (p.610).—Cryptanthus acaulis var longifolius tReated as a synonym of Cryptanthus bromelioides (p.17).—Cryptanthus cochleatus x treated as a hybrid Cryptanthus acaulis x zonatus Butcher, June 2011 Note there is no hint of this being a hybrid and in those days it was accepted that plants in captivity could be named even though provenance was unknown. It was not until Mez in 1935 that we see he treated this as a hybrid with parents of (acaulis x zonatus). There was no reference quoted to cover this change of mind so parentage can only have been a guess. Interestingly he included C. testaceus Morren ex Baker as a synonym. C. testaceus is described in Baker 1889 - C.testaceus E. Morren (MD) is a form of C. undulatus Otto & Dietr. with brown ovate-lanceolate leaves 4 – 5 in. long, nearly 2 in. broad low down. We now know C. undulatus Otto & Dietr. as a synonym of C. acaulis var acaulis! In my burrowing into old documents via digital copies I have found some of Dutrie’s comments to be based on hearsay rather than historical reference and he would not have seen Morren’s painting in Kew. Notes on the older Cryptanthus Cultivars by Larry Giroux in CSJ 19(3): 76-9. 2004 Cryptanthus ‘Cochleatus’: This is another "species - want - a - be" described by Morren in 1889. Ivon Ramirez Morillo denotes this plant as a doubtful taxa in her 1996 thesis (see above reference) "The drawing represents a plant with brown leaves and transversal wavy bands It does not seem to be any of the species in Section Zonatae, but it is very similar to several of the hybrids that include C. zonatus as a parent. Since the locality data and more details of the floral parts is unknown, the species remains obscure." Louis Dutrie clarified the origins of this obscure cultivar in his writings for the Bulletin horticole (Liege, Belgium, 1946-48). This hybrid was obtained by pollenizing C. acaulis with C. zonatus. The resultant plant had reddish brown leaves with transverse, scurfy gray bands and heavily white scurfed under sides on the leaves. I have never seen this plant in person or in a photograph. Due to its overall similarity to C. zonatus, one of its parents, it has most likely disappeared into oblivion or has assumed an alias, possibly "zonatus". (p.20).—Cryptanthus lubbersianus Treated as a hybrid Cryptanthus bivittatus x Beuckeri Butcher, June 2011 Note there is no hint of this being a hybrid and in those days it was accepted that plants in captivity could be named even though provenance was unknown. It was not until Mez in 1935 that we see he treated this as a hybrid with parents of (bivittatus x Beuckeri). There was no reference quoted to cover this change of mind so parentage can only have been a guess. But he did treat the following as a synonym – C. Regeli Hort. Makoy, ex Regel in Gartenflora XXXIII, 167. 1884 It is a pity we cannot see the Icon at Kew but these paintings are zealously guarded. We can only follow Morren’s description in Baker’s work. In view of what Larry had to say in 2004 it seems that remakes have been done without a critical review being done by the hybridist Notes on the older Cryptanthus Cultivars by Larry Giroux in CSJ 19(3): 76-9. 2004 Cryptanthus ‘Lubbersianus’ A cultivar of bivittatus X beuckeri. Some clones have ' large narrow leaves in mottled green and cream with pink suffusion in good light. Others have shorter leaves, but both varieties have leaves, which are narrow at the bases and are spoon shaped further out, typical of the C. beuckeri parent. Hybridizer was probably Jacob Makoy around 1884; however, Victoria Padilla states that it was Regel. Ms. Padilla's belief was probably fueled by the fact that there was a second plant in the grex of C. bivittatus X C. beuckeri, which was named Cryptanthus x regeli. To my knowledge, this plant's progeny have survived in cultivation. (p.20).—Cryptanthus makoyanus Treated as a hybrid Cryptanthus acaulis x bivittatus (p.20).—Cryptanthus regeli Treated as a hybrid Cryptanthus bivittatus x Beuckeri (p.20).—Cryptanthus testaceus treated as a synonym of Cryptanthus cochleatus and thus a hybrid Cryptanthus acaulis x zonatus. For detail see notes under C. cochleatus (p.20).—Dyckia hassleri var. arenosa treated as a synonym of Dyckia longifolia. Then treated as a synonym of D. leptostachya in S&D 1974, 547 (p.333).—Dyckia hassleri var. subinermis Considered a synonym of Dyckia velloziifolia Mez (p.70).—Encholirium augustae Synonym of Puya Augustae. Thence to Connellia augustae (p.304).—Encholirium catharinense treated as a synonym of Dyckia encholirioides (p.320).—Encholirium Garrelii Treated as a synonym of Dyckia encholirioides (p.320).—Encholirium montevidense treated as a synonym of Dyckia montevidensis (p.335).—Encholirium sanguinolenta Treated as a synonym of Vriesea sanguinolenta. Thence to Werauhia sanguinolenta (p.400).—Encholirium vittatum Treated as a synonym of Guzmania Beleana. Thence to Guzmania virescene var virescens (p.631).—Encholirium zahnii Treated as a synonym of Guzmania Zahnii (p.629).—Fucus teres ramosus Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia usneoides (p.595).—Glaziouia insignis Treated as a synonym of Vriesea regina. More likely to now be considered as a synonym of Alcantarea glaziouana (p.405).—Guzmania erythrocephala treated as a synonym of Guzmania Melinonis (p.614).—Guzmania magna treated as a synonym of Guzmania megastachya (p.620).—Guzmania reticulata treated as a synonym of Vriesea reticulata. Thence to Vriesea gigantea Gaud. (p.396).—Hohenbergia comata Treated as a synonym of Aechmea comata (p.160).—Hohenbergia spicata Treated as a synonym of Aechmea spicata, hence to Aechmea mertensii. (p.131).—Karatas lagopus Treated as a synonym of Bromelia lagopus (p.24).—Karatas macracantha Treated as a synonym of Aregelia carcharodon. (p.47).—Karatas utriculosa Treated as a synonym of Nidularium utriculosum (p.63).—Macrochordium tinctorium Treated as a synonym of Aechmea bromeliifolia (p.165).—Massangea vittata treated as a synonym of Guzmania vittata (p.632).—Nidularium agavifolium treated as a synonym of Aregelia cyanea. Thence to Neoregelia cyanea (p.45).—Nidularium coriaceum treated as a synonym of Aregelia coriacea. Thence to Neoregelia coriacea (p.47).—Nidularium denticulatum var. simplex treated as a synonym of Aregelia sarmentosa. Thence to Neoregelia sarmentosa S&D 1567 (p.44).—Nidularium macracanthum treated as a synonym of Aechmea tinctoria. Thence to Aechmea bromeliifolia (p.166).—Nidularium sanguinarium treated as a synonym of Aregelia Makoyana. Thence to Nidularium innocentii var striata Leme 2000 155 (p.50).—Phytarrhiza rubra treated as a synonym of Tillandsia rubra. Thence to Vriesea rubra (p.457).—Phytarrhiza usneoides treated as a synonym of Tillandsia usneoides (p.595).—Pitcairnia brocchinia treated as a synonym of Brocchinia panniculata. (p.209).—Pitcairnia ciliaris Species non nisi nomine cognitae, delendae - unknown (p.277).—Pitcairnia flabelliformis Species non nisi nomine cognitae, delendse. - unknown (p.277).—Pitcairnia furfuracea Treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia albucifolia (Schrader) Mez = Pitcairnia spicata (Lam.) Mez sensu Smith & Downs .—Pitcairnia humilis Species non nisi nomine cognitae, delendae. - unknown (p.277).—Pitcairnia jacksoni teated as a synonym of Pitcairnia glymiana (p.233).—Pitcairnia latifolia Considered synonymous to Pitcairnia ringens Klotzsch (p.266).—Pitcairnia latifolia var. furfuracea e. p. treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia albuciflora thence to Pitcairnia spicata (p.235).—Pitcairnia latifolia var. furfuracea e. p. treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia angustifolia (p.241).—Pitcairnia lutea treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia microcalyx (p.231).—Pitcairnia media Species non nisi nomine cognitae, delendae. - unknown (p.277).—Pitcairnia monstrosa Species non nisi nomine cognitae, delendae. - unknown (p.277).—Pitcairnia spinosa treated as a synonym of Dyclia gilliesii. Thence to Dyckia floribunda (p.334).—Pitcairnia stricta Species non nisi nomine cognitae, delendae. - unknown (p.277).—Pityrophyllum gracile treated as a synonym of Tillandsia erubescens Schlech - I THINK! (p.496).—Platystachys azurea treated as a synonym of Tillandsia straminea (p.532).—Platystachys cinerascens treated as a synonym of Tillandsia disticha H B K (p.525).—Platystachys gracilis treated as a synonym of Aechmea tillandsioides (p.144).—Platystachys heptantha Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia heptantha. Species diagnosibus insufficientibus illustratae. Now probably Tillandsia straminea (p.597).—Platystachys incarnata treated as a synonym of Tillandsia incarnata N B K (p.554).—Platystachys polystachya treated as a synonym of Tillandsia polystachya (L) L . Thence to Tillandsia polystachia (p.475).—Pourretia aeranthos treated as a s ynonym of Tillandsia dianthoidea. Thence to Tillandsia aeranthos (p.565).—Pourretia auruacensis Nomina haud rite publici juris facta, delenda - unknown (p.315).—Pourretia lepidota Nomina haud rite publici juris facta, delenda - unknown (p.315).—Pourretia speciosa Nomina haud rite publici juris facta, delenda - unknown (p.315).—Pourretia stricta treated as a synonym of Tillandsia erubescens. Thence to Tillandsia ionantha var ionantha (p.496).—Puya acris Nomina haud rite publici juris facta, delenda. - unknown (p.315).—Puya aurantiaca treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia densiflora Brongn (p.271).—Puya edulis Generi verosimillime adsocianda species. ? Dyckia species Planta spectabilis, foliorumvalde spinosorum vaginis usque ad 60 mm latis amyli, quod Indianis nutrimentum, copiam praebentibus. Brasilien: am Rio Doce (p.340).—Puya weberii treated as a synonym of Deuterocohnia longipetala. (p.281).—Regelia cyanea treated as a synonym of Aregelia elegans. Thence to Neoregelia tristis (p.46).—Renealmia disticha treated as a s synonym of Vriesea disticha. Thence to Vriesea heliconioides var heliconioides (p.385).—Renealmia parasitica treated as a s synonym of Tillandsia usneoides (p.595).—Schlumbergeria andreana Treated as a synonym of Guzmania Andreana (p.626).—Schlumbergeria brasiliensis treated as a synonym of Guzmania brasiliensis (p.633).—Schlumbergeria donnellsmithii teated as a synonym of Guzmania Donnell-Smithii (p.631).—Schlumbergeria plumieri treated as a synonym of Guzmania Plumieri (p.635).—Schlumbergeria virescens treated as a synonym of Guzmania virescens (p.630).—Schlumbergeria weberbaueri treated as a synonym of Guzmania Weberbaueri (p.628).—Schlumbergeria zahnii treated as a synonym of Guzmania Zahnii (p.629).—Spirastigma treated as a synonym of Pitcairnia (p.210).—Thecophyllum capituligerum treated as a synonym of Thecophyllum fastuosum. Thence to Vriesea capituligera. Thence to Mezobromelia capituligera (p.423).—Tillandsia bivittata treated as a synonym of Cryptanthus bivittatus (p.17).—Tillandsia brevilingua nom. nov. for Catopsis latifolia Ule (p.535).—Tillandsia cornucopia treated as a synonym of Catopsis nitida (p.430).—Tillandsia cossonii Considered a synonym of Tillandsia prodigiosa (Lem.) Baker .—Tillandsia devillea treated as a synonym of Guzmania Berteroniana (p.611).—Tillandsia divaricata Considered a variety of Tillandsia latifolia Meyen (p.539).—Tillandsia dominicensis treated as a synonym of Guzmania megastachya (p.620).—Tillandsia foliis superne dentato spinosis treated as a synonym of Aechmea serrata (p.145).—Tillandsia glumaciflora treated as a synonym of Tillandsia Ulei. Thence to Tillandsia rusbyi (p.536).—Tillandsia gymnophylla treated as a synonym of Guzmania monostachya (p.612).—Tillandsia minuta Treated as a synonym of Tillandsia usneoides (p.595).—Tillandsia muscoides treated as a synonym of Tillandsia usneoides (p.595).—Tillandsia platzmannii treated as a synonym of Vriesea Platzmannii. Thence to Vriesea lancifolia (p.392).—Tillandsia pleiostachya treated as a synonym of Vriesea pleiosticha. Thence to Mezobromelia pleiosticha (p.621).—Tillandsia quesneliana treated as a synonym of Tillandsia erubescens. Thence to Tillandsia.ionantha. (p.496).—Tillandsia Sieboldiana treated as a synonym of Tillandsia leiboldiana (p.551).—Tillandsia sordida treated as a synonym of Guzmania lingulata L. (p.608).—Tillandsia staticiflora treated as aa synonym of Tillandsia juncea (p.465).—Tillandsia Zahnii treated as a synonym of Guzmania zahnii (p.629).—Tussacia nutans treated as a synonym of Catopsis nutans (p.428).—Vriesea aurea treated as a synonym of Vriesea chrysostachys (p.386).—Vriesea bellula treated as a synonym of Vriesea disticha. Thence to Vriesea heliconioides (p.385).—Vriesea bullata treated as a synonym of Vriesea disticha. Thence to Vriesea heliconioides (p.32; 385).—Vriesea cryptantha treated as a synonym of Vriesea chrysostachys (p.386).—Vriesea maculata treated as a synonym of Tillandsia maculata (p.522).—Vriesea splendens major treated as a synonym of Vriesea longebracteata. Thence to Vriesea splendens var formosa (p.372).