<- 14.3 ->
Pseudalcantarea (subgen. of Pseudalcantarea is a synonym of:

<- genus Pseudalcantarea (Mez) Pinzón & Barfuss
(tribus Tillandsieae)

Publ: Phytotaxa 279 (1): 41 (2016)

Number of species: 3

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Genus Notes:

Tillandsia subgen. Pseudalcantarea s.str. is elevated to generic rank and narrowed in its circumscription to include only P. grandis, P. macropetala, and P. viridiflora. Krömer et al. (2012) revised the Mexican species of Tillandsia subg. Pseudalcantarea and therefore already the genus in its limits according to the revised classification. The taxonomic conclusions of Beaman & Judd (1996) are only partly supported; the transfer of T. paniculata to T. subg. Tillandsia is confirmed, while the exclusion of T. grandis and the inclusion of T. baliophylla are contradicting our results (from Barfuss et al. 2016)