<- 40.9- 20 ->
Bromelia foliis serratospinosis, obtusis, spicis foliis serrato-spinosis, obtusis, spicis alternis is a synonym of:

<- Wittmackia lingulata (L.) Mez

Publ: Bromeliaceae (part 1) 3(3): 275 (1891)

Type: Martinique, Piumier S. H. Lectotype: plate 170 of the Boerhaave set of Plumier’s illustrations at the library of Rijksuniver siteit Groningen (designated by Cedeno-Maldonado, 2005).

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Distribution: Bahamas, Greater Antilles and Lesser Antilles, and the Amazon region

Habitat: epiphyte and terrestrial, from shrubby vegetation near the sea to the interior of hygrophilous forests

Wittmackia lingulata