<- Moura et al. 2014 (Article) Vriesea

Taxonomic Notes on Vriesea Sect. Xiphion (Bromeliaceae) with Descriptions of Three New Species

Author(s):R. Loyola de Moura & A. Ferreira da Costa

Corresponding email:afcosta@acd.ufrj.br

Publication:Systematic Botany 39(3): 791–803. (2014)

Abstract:—Vriesea is a large genus comprising several groups of species with controversial limits. The taxonomic revision of small monophyletic groups has been an important approach to improve our understanding of the taxonomy of the genus. After the taxonomic revision of the monophyletic group belonging to Vriesea sect. Xiphion, comprised of species with simple inflorescences, flowers patent during anthesis and not secund, and decurrent floral bract bases, this paper describes three species as new: Vriesea carmenae, Vriesea gelatinosa, and Vriesea zildae; and proposes one synonym. The species occur mainly in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Cerrado domains, and are morphologically similar to V. bituminosa and V. wawranea.

Keywords:—Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, new species, taxonomy, Tillandsioideae.

Published names (3):
Vriesea carmeniae
Vriesea gelatinosa
Vriesea zildae

Taxonomy:Vriesea carmeniae (e)published as 'carmenae' .—Vriesea oleosa Treated as a synonym of Vreisea wawranea Antoine, not accepted by Leme (personal communication) (p.798).