1933 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2008-04-15
(Dimensie: 694 x 850 pixels - Teller: 12038)

Fotograaf: Oscar - Bromeliario Imperialis
Opmerking: Shot taken near Itacaré, Bahia,Brazil
Determinatie: in behandeling
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking: Walter Till (2008-04-16) - Looks like Hohenbergia blanchetii from Bahia.
- Opmerking: Harry Luther (2008-04-16) - Looks like H. blanchetiana
- Opmerking: Oscar Ribeiro (2008-07-09) - Can“t explain why but only now have I seen the messages dated april!
Walter and Harry: Sorry and thank“s!