1977 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2008-09-16
(Dimensie: 1630 x 1250 pixels - Teller: 14787)
Werauhia Query

Fotograaf: Hugh Kunze
Opmerking: Terrestrial brom growing near Poas Volcano around 2000m in Costa Rica
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Opmerking (1978): Hugh Kunze (2008-09-16) - Flower detail of this terrestrial brom at Poas Volcano, Costa Rica around 2000m
- Opmerking (1978): Harry Luther (2008-09-17) - Looks like Werauhia williamsii.
- Opmerking (1978): Eric Gouda (2009-07-17) - Both Werauhia williamsii and W. nephrolepis are known from the Poas. It could be that it is difficult to identify herbarium specimen to the right species or both species are really occurring there. The key in Smith & Downs differentiate both species by having 2-3 flowers per primary bract or exactly 2 (doesn't help I'm afraid). For W.williamsii, the description says: the leaves longitudianally marked with fine purple stripes (also depicted by Morales book); on the other hand W.nephrolepis should have cross-banded leaves with broad brownish-purple stripes (also not the case here, although there are some narrow wavy transvers lines on the leaves). If I had to choose, I would go for W. nephrolepis here. (Verzonden: brom-l@nic.surfnet.nl)
- Opmerking (1978): Harry Luther (2009-07-20) - From my experience W. williamsii is often(usually) caulescent; W. nephrolepis is stemless. HEL