1914 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 2008-02-06
(Dimensie: 560 x 1284 pixels - Teller: 19068)
Pitcairnia sp.

Fotograaf: Bruce Dunstan
Opmerking: Growing on slopes od Volcan Reventador, Sucumbios Province, Ecuador
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Opmerking: Eric Gouda (2008-02-06) - This picture was also posted to the Gallery.
It seems to be close to Pitcairnia hitchcockiana, but the cucculate erect bracts are totally different. Very interesting! could be new. - Opmerking: José Manzanares (2008-02-12) - I haven“t the books with me now at the farm, but I believeis this is Pitcairnia albo-marginata, named by Rauh. I“m not sure now. In the second volume we presented this Pitcairnia as a synonym of P. hitchcockiana.