1902 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2008-01-21
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Teller: 24863)
Pitcairnia sp.

Fotograaf: Kenn Marks
Opmerking: This species was found growing in crevices on the granite outcrops along the Rio Sipapo and Rio Autana in the lowland (80m) region around Autana-Tepui. Additional habit and flowering images are available. This appears to be the same species identified as Pitcairnia bulbosa on page 379 of Franciso Oliva-Esteve's Bromeliads book but I'm not sure that is a good ID.
Determinatie: in behandeling
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- Opmerking (1906): Eric Gouda (2008-01-21) - I'm not sure about this, but it could be P.armata that is highly variable in coloration.
- Opmerking (1906): Harry Luther (2008-01-22) - Pepinia cf pruinosa
- Opmerking (1906): Harry Luther (2008-01-22) - Pepinia cf bulbosa
- Opmerking (1906): Walter Till (2008-01-22) - Looks very much like Pitcairnia bulbosa.
- Opmerking (1906): Eric Gouda (2008-01-22) - In the key of Bromeliaceae, In: Flora of the Venezuelan Guayana Vol.3 (B.Holst) the difference between P armata and P.bulbosa is that the last has larger (something we can not see here) and polystichous flowers and the first usually secund flowers. In the first picture they seems to be polystichous, but in the secund they looks secund to me, so this doesn't help much I'm afraid.
- Opmerking (1906): Kenn Marks (2008-01-23) - For comparison purposes, I've uploaded some images of Pitcairnia pruinosa that one of the other members of our group took near Puerto Ayacucho (the type locality). Check the picture gallery to see what Pitcairnia pruinosa looks like.
- Opmerking (1906): Harry Luther (2008-01-28) -
I believe the large dull-flowered Pepinia is P.bulbosa