1869 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 0000-00-00
(Dimensie: 2302 x 1754 pixels - Teller: 21294)
Pitcairnia undulata

(Geladen als: Pitcairnia flammea)
Fotograaf: Albert Ebbink
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Opmerking (1871): Peter Tristram (2007-11-05) - Eric, Also there is a pic of Pit flammea on the Florapic site that looks like P.undulata to me (Pitcairnia-flammea-838). What do you think?
Flammea has narrower, less petiolate leaves. - Opmerking (1871): Eric Gouda (2007-11-05) - Peter, Your are right, when you look at the description by Smith (see description below). Leaves should not be petiolate, and linear which is the case in this specimen. Also the plant that we have, has petiolate leaves and has positively identified as P.flammea (years ago), so probably there is something in the key that leads us there .
Our Pitcairnia flammea var. roezlii and var glabrior that are more like it, see the images in our database (hope the link is not divided over several lines http://botuserv.bio.uu.nl/Atlantis/?application=Botanic%2520Garden&database=utrecht&entrypoint=accession&service=result&templatename=result-template.htm&query=&vanaf=0&sessienummer=2.4b68000&aantal_per_pagina=0&relatienr=0&extra1=&extra2=&aantal_per_pagina=100&relatienr=0&exactzoeken=off&filter_lege_datums=off&accession+public=1&multimedia+objecten%2C+volgorde=*&global=& ;accession+number=&full+name=Pitcairnia+flammea&accessionlocation%2C+location%2C+full+name=&zoeken.x=24&zoeken.y=5&zoeken=Zoeken I will put the image into a casus for discussion. - Opmerking (1871): Harry E. Luther (2007-11-07) - P. undulata or a hort. hyb. there of. HEL