12162 - Bromeliads (Wild) - 2015-05-07
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1383 pixels - Teller: 9310)
Pitcairnia sp

Verzamel locatie: Colombia - Valle de Cauca - Queremal- Buenaventura Rd
Fotograaf: Bruce Dunstan
Determinatie: gevraagd
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Determinatie (7045): HEL (2011-08-24) =Pitcairnia brongniartiana
- Same thing is in NW Ecuador where it grows with all green and yellow maculate morphs. Photo is of very ealy anthesis, later flowers are reflexed. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl) - Opmerking (7044): Eric Gouda (2018-02-12) - Pitcairnia brongniartiana is a not well known species, but I think the plant depicted in the book by Manzanares page 402 could be the species. See the difference in flower type. This is different in several aspects. (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)