1912 - Bromeliads () - 2008-01-22
(Dimensie: 952 x 1279 pixels - Teller: 12835)
Billbergia viridiflora x B.(Quesnelia) liboniana

(Geladen als: Aechmea lasseri query [Garden origin])
Fotograaf: Derek Butcher
Opmerking: plant with burgundy leaves and an inflorescence reminiscent of A lasseri but petals seem wrong
Determinatie: Opgelost
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- Opmerking: Harry Luther (2008-01-22) - A little additional info, I had this at SEL in the early 1980s, I had no idea what it was. Ros Buchanan sent a chunk to Pinegrove Nursery in Australia. Later I lost mine(no, I dont need one back) and very recently I saw one of the Morren icons depicting this, first as B. viridiflora, later changed to b. viridiflora x B(Quesnelia) liboniana. A dead ringer. I can only expect this thing is the oldest bad hybrid in existence!
- Opmerking: Derek Butcher (2008-01-22) - Harry
I can see you refer to xBillnelia 'Sebastian Laruelle' but I know not what it looks like. However, the chances of it popping up in Queensland after 120 years seems remote. There seems to be a greater chance of it being xBillmea 'Lazslo' made in the USA in 1967 but alas I don't know what that looks like either! Because nobody recognises it as a species it seems I can go along with the name of 'Pinegrove Lass' as a cultivar name now that it may be on someone's want list because it has achieved some notoriety! I'll treat it as an Aechmea because this is the species dumping ground!