15956 - Bromeliads (Garden) - 20191025
(Dimensie: 2030 x 1550 pixels - Teller: 7340)
Billbergia saundersii

Verzamel locatie: United States - LA -
Fotograaf: John Breaux
(Klik op de foto om te vergroten)
- Opmerking (15957): John Breaux (2019-10-25) - I acquired this specimen from NOLA Botanical Gardens plant sale several years ago. It was marked Billbergia 'Queen's Tears". I later learned "Queen's Tears" is simply a slang term for billbergia in general. I was visiting a colleague's collection and found an identical specimen labeled Billbergia saundersii. I confirmed with a brief google image search of the name and am fairly convinced this is accurately identified. Hope this images are helpful in future identification.
- Determinatie (15955): Derek Butcher (2019-10-31) =Billbergia 'Hoelscheriana'
- There seems to be a strong influence of B. nutans in the flower. Billbergia hybrids are much more common than species. Check detail in the BCR Bromeliad Cultivar Register website (Verzonden: brom-l@science.uu.nl)