<- 12- 12.2 ->
Dyckia rupestris is a synonym of:

<- Dyckia pernambucana L.B.Sm.

Publ: Phytologia 20(3): 179 pl. 2 fig. 12-14 (1970)

Type: Pernambuco, Brejo da Madre de Deus, Fazenda Bitury, 8°11’S, 36°30'W, 5 Febr. 1965, A. Lima 65-4275. Holotype: IPA. Isotype: SP.

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Distribution: BRAZIL; Pernambuco,

Phenology: Flowering is subannual in Dyckia pernambucana, that is, it occurs more than once a year from August to January and lasts only a few days. Flowering and fruiting overlap, and the flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds.

Dyckia pernambucana