<- 8-195.2 ->

<- Pitcairnia lindae Betancur
(subgen. Pitcairnia)

Publ: Caldasia 17(82-5): 379 (1995)

Type: Tipo: COLOMBIA. ANTIOQUIA: municipio de Caldas, vereda La Corrala, entre La zarza y el alto del Gallinazo, bosque muy perturbado, humedo, 2440 m alt., 28 abr 1986, L. Albert de E. & J. R. Giraldo 6648 (holotipo, HUA).

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Distribution: COLOMBIA; Antioquia,

Habitat: relict of local forests, characteristic for very humid low mountain forest, 2440-2650 m. Elev.

Etymology: species dedicated to Dr. Linda Albert de Escobar, who recently died, my teacher and friend, and who also knew how to enthuse me in the study of neotropical flora; she also collected the type specimen.

Pitcairnia lindae