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<- Hechtia zamudioi Espejo, López-Ferrari & I.Ramírez

Publ: Acta Bot. Mex. 83:49-61 (2008)

Type: Mexico, Queretaro, municipio de San Joaquin, canon del rio Estorax, entre El Platano y Medias Coloradas, laderas de rocas calizas con vegetacion de matorral submontano y bosque tropical caducifolio, 875 m, 7-8.III 2000, planta masculina, S. Zamudio y L. Hernandez 11285 (holotype: IEB; isotype: UAMIZ).

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Distribution: MEXICO; Queretaro,

Habitat: grows in cliffs and walls of canyons of calcareous rocks, practically covering the whole surface, 1340 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The epithet specifies honor to Sergio Zamudio Ruiz, colleague and friend, of the Centro Regional del Bajio del Instituto de Ecologia A. C. who carried out the first collections of this species and important collaborator for the Flora del Bajio and Adjacent Regions.

Hechtia zamudioi