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<- Hechtia pretiosa Espejo & López-Ferrari

Publ: Acta Bot. Mex. 83:49-61 (2008)

Type: Mexico, Guanajuato, municipio de Xichu, ca. 6.5 km despues de El Huamuchil, por la brecha a Atarjea, 21°18'36" N; 99°55'32" W, ca. 1400 m, matorral con cactaceas columnares (Myrtillocactus, Stenocereus) sobre sustratos rocosos igneos, 13.IV 2007, planta masculina, A. R. Lopez-Ferrari, A. Espejo, J. Ceja, A. Mendoza R. y S. Zamudio R. 3268 (holotipo: UAMIZ; isotipo: IEB).

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Distribution: MEXICO; Guanajuato,

Habitat: on cliffs and banks of igneous rocks, forming very small colonies., 1400 m. Elev. img

Etymology: The epithet refers to the attractive aspect of the plant, which have small rosettes, stoloniferous, with spring green coloured leaves and rosy or magenta flowers, relatively large for the genus.

Hechtia pretiosa