Hechtia pretiosa Espejo & López-Ferrari
Literature references:
- Hechtia pretiosa is only known of the municipality of Xichu (Fig. 4) where it grows on cliffs and banks of igneous rocks, forming very small colonies. This municipality, located in the northeast of the state of Guanajuato, was mainly unknown botanically for a long time because of access difficulty to the area. Although diverse botanists carried out isolated collections in the years, 1945 to 1970, it was not until the start of the project Flora del Bajio and adjacent regions in 1985 that regular botanical explorations were made in the region, with numerous new registrations (Rzedowski et. al. 1996), as well as species not described for science (Hernandez and Zamudio, 2003), to which this proposal relates. —See Acta Bot. Mex.