
Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. pedicellata (Till) N.Schutz (2014)


Deuterocohnia pedicellata W.Till Google
Status: Homotypic synonym of Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. pedicellata

Publ: Vidalia Vidalia 2(2): 41-43 (2004)

Type: Bolivia, Depto. Chuquisaca, Prov. Belisario Boeto, 30 km after crossing the Rio Grande along the road from Vallegrande to Villa Senono (18 km before Siberia al Nuevo Mundo), 1,200 m s. m., 18°54'03"S, 64°17'49"W 21 Oct. 2001, leg. I G. Vargas C., C. Jordan & A. Vargas 6285 (holotype, WU, 5 sheets; isotype, LPB, MO, not seen).

Description: click here.

Taxonomic Change: