Gouda 2024a (Article) Pitcairnia, Colombia
A new species of Pitcairnia from the West Cordillera of the Andes of Colombia
Author(s):—E.J. Gouda
Publication:—Journal of the Bromeliad Society 73(3): 110-115. (2024)
Abstract:—A new small species of Pitcairnia, Pitcairnia pleurothalliifolia from the Chocó area at the West Cordillera of the Andes, Colombia, is described, illustrated and compared with a morphological related species. Additionally, notes on cultivation are provided.
Keywords:—Bromeliaceae, Pitcairnioideae, Andes, Colombia Pitcairnia pleurothalliifolia Gouda, spec.nov.
Published names (1):Pitcairnia pleurothalliifolia