<- Braun & Tank 2021b (Article) Dyckia, Encholirium [bi-lingual]

Xeromorphic Bromeliads from Brazil (VII): Dyckia altoana, a New Succulent Species from Goiás and Two New Combinations in Encholirium

Author(s):P.J. Braun & K. Tank

Publication:Die Bromelie 2021(3): 100-108. (2021)

German title:—Xeromorphe Bromelien aus Brasilien (VII): Dyckia altoana, eine neue, sukkulente Art aus Goiás und zwei neue Kombinationen in Encholirium

Abstract:—A new, succulent Dyckia species (Bromeliaceae subfam. Pitcairnioideae) from
the northern part of the state of Goiás, Central Brazil is described: Dyckia altoana.
A possible relative might be D. platyphylla from the neighbouring state of
Tocantins. The differences are outlined. Up to now about 35 species are known
from Goiás, but they all differ by conspicuous characters. Two species recently
described as Dyckia, D. avacanoeira and D. oreadica, are here newly combined
in Encholirium.

Published names (3):
Dyckia altoana
Encholirium avacanoeirum
Encholirium oreadicum