<- Mo et al. 2021 (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia atitlanensis (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae), a new Guatemalan species with white flowers

Author(s):E. Mó, R. García M. & J. Monzón S.

Corresponding email:al064111078@unicach.mx

Publication:LACANDONIA 15(1): 23-30. (2021)

Abstract:—During field trips to the southern slopes of Atitlán Volcano, in Santa Bárbara Suchitepéquez, combination of morphological characters unknown in other species of this genus, so it is proposed subgenus Tillandsia, group I (Gardener, 1986), and is endemic to sub montane and montane It is compared with Tillandsia flabellata Baker, species with similar morphological features and distribution.

Keywords:—Atitlán volcano, Central America, biodiversity, montane forest, epiphytes.

Published names (1):
Tillandsia atitlanensis