<- Versieux & Nahoum 2021 (Article) Alcantarea

Two new highly ornamental giant Bromeliads from Rio de Janeiro state, Brazil

Author(s):L.M. Versieux & P.I.V. Nahoum in Ver­sieux, L.M. (editor) - Alcantarea: giant bromeliads from Brazil

Corresponding email:lversieux@yahoo.com.br

Publication: 36-44. (2021)

Abstract:—Herein we describe two new species of Alcantarea, from inselbergs in Macae and Cam­pos dos Goytacazes municipalities. Both species have been cultivated for decades due to their showy attributes and have been used in crosses to produce ornamental hybrids, but only now they are formally named and characterized. The new taxa are related to each other and resemble other yellow-flowered Alcantarea known to occur in northern Rio de Janeiro State or close to its border with Minas Gerais. Based on morphological features we hypothesize that A. delicata is related to A. acuminatifolia Leme, while A. in termedia, is related to both A. delicata and to A. heloisae J. R. Grant.
Although both species have been cultivated in Brazil and abroad, particularly in Aus­tralia, only now can we record their occurrence on distinct inselbergs along the road BR-101, between the municipalities of Casimiro de Abreu (to the south) and Campos dos Goytacazes (to the north), in Rio de Janeiro state, southeastern Brazil. We were able to collect blooming specimens of both taxa with completely developed flowers. The following descriptions were based only on fresh and living material. Additional information from herbarium specimens and personal communications from horticul­turalists regarding the plants under cultivation, were added only to the commentaries of both species.

Illustrations: color and line
Published names (2):
Alcantarea delicata
Alcantarea intermedia

Taxonomy:Alcantarea brasiliana Considered a good species, different from Alcantarea imperialis (Carrière) Harms (p.195).