Flores et al. 2020 (Article) Tillandsia
Author(s):— Flores C. M., N.B. Vázquez H., R. Torres C. & C.G. Mendoza in A New Tillandsia (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae) Species from the Copalita River Canyon, Oaxaca, Mexico
Corresponding email:—carolina.granados@ib.unam.mx
Publication:—Phytotaxa 459(4): 276–284. (2020) — DOI
Abstract:—A new saxicolous species from the steep cliffs of the Copalita river canyon is described and illustrated: Tillandsia joel-mandimboensis. We present detailed morphological comparisons of the new species to other morphologically-related saxicolous Tillandsia species also endemic to river canyon cliffs, complemented with information on their habitat preferences, geographical distribution and phenology.
Keywords:—River canyons cliffs; Copalita river; San Miguel del Puerto; Oaxaca; Monocots
Published names (1):Tillandsia joelmandimboensis