<- Hernandez et al. 2020a (Article) Tillandsia

Tillandsia dichromantha (Tillandsioideae; Bromeliaceae), a new species from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico

Author(s):R.A. Hernández C., A. Espejo S., A.R. López F. & S.A.L. Lara G.

Corresponding email:ralejandrohc@gmail.com, aes@xanum.uam.mx

Publication:Phytotaxa 447(2): 81–87. (2020) — DOI

Abstract:—Tillandsia dichromantha, a new species from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico, is described and illustrated. The proposed taxon
is compared with T. achyrostachys and T. ilseana, species with which it has some similarities. Images and a distribution map
are included.

Keywords:—Endemic, Monocots, Poales

Published names (1):
Tillandsia dichromantha