<- Hernandez et al 2019b (Article) Tillandsia, Viridantha

Novelties in the genus Viridantha Espejo (Tillandsioideae, Bromeliaceae)

Author(s):Serrato D. Hernández C., A., R.A., A.R. López-Ferr. & A. Espejo S.

Corresponding email:ralejandrohc@gmail.com

Publication:Phytokeys 132: 99–110. (2019) — DOI

Abstract:—Based on morphological evidence, we propose to raise Tillandsia mauryana forma secundifolia to species level with the name Viridantha secundifolia (Ehlers) Hern.-Cárdenas, Espejo & López-Ferr. Viridantha secundifolia can be readily distinguished by the falciform rosettes, the broadly oblong to square, 1–1.2 × 0.8–1.1 cm leaf sheaths and by the 1.8–2 × 0.7–1.2 cm floral bracts. Additionally, we describe and illustrate Viridantha uniflora Hern.-Cárdenas, Espejo & López-Ferr., from the state of Oaxaca, Mexico. The new species is morphologically similar to Viridantha boqueronensis, but differs by the nearly square leaf sheaths, 1.3–1.5 × 0.4– 0.5 cm spikes and by the presence of only one flower per spike. A key to the taxa, morphological descriptions, list of specimens examined, illustrations and a distribution map of the described taxa are included.

Keywords:—Hidalgo, México, Oaxaca, Tillandsia, Viridantha

Published names (2):
Viridantha secundifolia*
Viridantha uniflora*
* synonyms or not accepted names are marked