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Viridantha uniflora is a synonym of:

<- Tillandsia hernandezii Gouda (Ined.)
(subgen. Viridantha)

Type: MEXICO. Oaxaca: Distrito de Juxtlahuaca, municipio de Santos Reyes Tepejillo, en los alrededores del boquerón de Santos Reyes Tepejillo (17°26'58

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Distribution: Mexico: Oaxaca

Habitat: grows saxicolous on vertical walls in dry oak forests and tropical deciduous forests, 1700 -1900 m. Elev.

Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the presence of one flower per spike, condition only known in the proposed taxon.

Phenology: The plants of Viridantha uniflora bloom in April and May.

Tillandsia hernandezii