<- Trevino et al. 2019 (Article) Puya

Puya colcaensis (Bromeliaceae) a new species from southern Peru

Author(s):I.F. Treviño Z., V. Quipuscoa S. & E.J. Gouda

Corresponding email:ifrant01@gmail.com

Publication:Phytotaxa 406(4): 237–242. (2019) — DOI

Abstract:—Puya colcaensis is described and illustrated as a new species found in the Province of Caylloma (Arequipa) in southern Peru. This species has a compound inflorescence, bluish-green flowers, with pedicels smaller than 1.5 cm, which are exceeded by the floral bracts, and sepals with dense stellate trichomes. It is similar to P. araneosa and P. adscendens.

Keywords:—Andes, mountain range, endemism, flora, valley, Puyoideae

Published names (1):
Puya colcaensis