Fernandez 2009 (Article) Aechmea
Aechmea bauxilumii (Bromeliaceae), A New Species from Los Pijiguaos, Venezuelan Guyana
Author(s):—A. Fernandez
Publication:—Journal of the Bromeliad Society 59(4): 170-173. (2009)
Abstract:—The description and illustrations of a new species of Aechmea Ruiz & Pav. from Los Pijiguaos area, state of Bolívar, Venezuela, is submitted. Aechmea bauxilumii is related to A. castelnavii Baker, but it differs in its terrestrial habit, non bulb-shaped leaf base, greater number of scape bracts, looser frutescence, and reflexed leaf tip.
Keywords:—Aechmea , Bromeliaceae, Los Pijiguaos, Guayana, State of Bolívar, taxonomy.
Published names (1):Aechmea bauxilumii