<- 40- 86.1 ->

<- Aechmea bauxilumii Ángel Fernández
(subgen. Aechmea)

Publ: J. Bromeliad Soc. 59(4): 171-172 (2009)

Type: Venezuela, Estado Bolívar, municipio Cedeño, Los Pijiguaos, entre el campamento de CVG-Bauxilum y la mina de bauxita, 6° 31’ 05” N – 66° 44’ 52” W, 80-620 msnm. 13-15 Oct. 2006, Ángel Fernández, Luis Ruiz, Bruno Manara 22958. Planta terrestre. Escapo 1 m de largo. Brácteas del escapo fucsia, frutos verde-amarillentos. Hojas verde grisáceo pálido. En laderas a orillas de la carretera en la vía a la mina. (Holotype VEN; Isotype SEL). Figs. 1, 2, 3.

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Distribution: VENEZUELA; Bolívar,

Habitat: 80-620 m. Elev.

Etymology: This species name is dedicated to the mining company CVG-Baxilum for encouraging botanical research of the area below its responsibility, supporting the elaboration of a plant checklist of this little known portion of Guayana, which is biologically interesting and apparently with a great biodiversity, and for its efforts in recovering the areas spoiled due to the mining activity.

Aechmea bauxilumii