Smith & Downs 1979 (Book) Brazil
Bromelioideae (Bromeliaceae)
Author(s):—L.B. Smith & R.J. Downs in Flora Neotropica
Publication:—Hafner Press, New York (1979).
Pages: 1493 – 2142 Illustrations: 263 drawings Size: 16x24 cm
Published names (1):Billbergia chlorosticta* * synonyms or not accepted names are marked
Taxonomy:—Abromeitiella abstrusa Considered a synonym of Abromeitiella lorentziana sensu L.B.Sm. (p.244).—Abromeitiella chlorantha Considered a synonym of Abromeitiella brevifolia (Griseb.) Castell. (p.241).—Abromeitiella pulvinata Considered a synonym of Abromeitiella brevifolia (Griseb.) Castell. (p.241).—Aechmea capixabae Considered a synonym of Aechmea victoriana L.B.Sm. (p.1793).—Aechmea caudata var. eipperi Treated as a synonym of A organensis Wawra .—Aechmea coelestis var. albomarginata Only known from cultivation and unlikely to be natural (p.1873).—Aechmea columnaris Considered a synonym of A.paniculigera (Swartz) Grisebach (p.1852).—Aechmea comata var. makoyana Only known from cultivation and unlikely to be natural (p.1880).—Aechmea fusca Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma procerum Reitz (p.1724).—Aechmea lamarchei Type designated: Lamareche Hort. in Morren Hort. s.n. (Lectotype LG) (p.1928).—Aechmea latifolia Treated as a synonym of A paniculigera (Swartz) Grisebach (p.1852).—Aechmea laxiflora Considered a synonym of Aechmea bracteata var. pacifica Beutelspacher (p.1836).—Aechmea melanacantha Considered a synonym of Aechmea bromeliifolia (Rudge) Baker (p.1929).—Aechmea ornata Type dessignated here: Gaudichaud B. 129, but typified by Gaudich. Tab. 62 (p.1919).—Aechmea paniculigera Swartz s.n. (S) cited as the Type, but no specimen preserved at S. Wright s.n. was annotated by Smith as the Type on the sheet and probably the only specimen seen by Swartz (p.1853).—Aechmea rosea Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma procerum Reitz (p.1724).—Aechmea trigona Treated as a synonym of A contracta .—Aloe Americana, fructu dulci & acido prunis simili Bromelia acanga L. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, 2: 232 (1767) is listed as synonym to Aloe Americana fructu dulci etc. and Mexocotl seu Manguei), but not as to type which is some species with a long inflorecence.) (p.1678).—Araeococcus chlorocarpus Lamprococcus chlorocarpus Wawra Oestr. Bot. Zeitschr. xii. 382 (1862) considered a synonym of Araeococcus parviflorus (Mart. ex Schult. f.) Lindm. (p.1412).—Billbergia amoena var. cylindracea Treated as a synonym of Billbergia sanderiana E.Morren with question mark (p.1996).—Billbergia amoena var. penduliflora treated as a synonym of B. sanderiana in Smith & Downs but seems better as B. elegans .—Billbergia angustifolia Unplaced taxon (p.2036).—Billbergia angustifolia Considered a synonym of Neoregelia cyanea (Beer) L.B.Sm. but very unlikely so considering the protolog. (p.1567).—Billbergia debilis Considered a synonym of Billbergia chlorosticta Sounders(=Billbergia soundersii Bull), see note (p.1994).—Billbergia fosteriana Considered a synonym of Billbergia chlorosticta Sounders(=Billbergia soundersii Bull), see note (p.1994).—Billbergia iridiflora Treated as a synonym of Billbergia iridifolia var iridifolia (p.1984).—Billbergia leopoldii Considered a synonym of Billbergia vittata Brongn. ex Morel (p.1978).—Billbergia loddigesii Lectotype designated (p.2008).—Billbergia pyramidalis Lectotype designated (p.2010).—Billbergia pyramidalis var. bicolor Lectotype designated (p.2008).—Billbergia speciosa Synonym of Billbergia elegans Mart. ex Schult. & Schult. f. (in part, not as to plate) (p.1996).—Billbergia speciosa Considered a synonym of Billbergia amoena var. minor (Antoine & Beer ex Beer) L.B.Sm. (p.1983).—Bromelia acanga Considered a synonym of Bromelia hemisphaerica Lamarck (as to synonyms, but not as to type, which is some species with a long inflorescence) (p.1678).—Bromelia ananas Typified by Description and references (p.2057).—Bromelia exudans Lectotype designated (p.1823).—Bromelia joinvillei Considered a synonym of Fascicularia pitcairniifolia (Berlin Hort. ex Verlot) Mez (p.1711).—Bromelia lindleyana Considered a synonym of Araeococcus micranthus Brongn. (p.1507).—Bromelia niduspuellae Lectotype designated: André 1836 (K) (p.1682).—Canistrum bellarosa Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma procerum Reitz (p.1724).—Canistrum binotii Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma procerum Reitz (p.1724).—Canistrum fuscum Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma procerum Reitz (p.1724).—Canistrum ingratum Considered a synonym of Canistrum giganteum (Baker) L.B. Sm. (p.1719).—Canistrum lindenii forma elatum Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma procerum Reitz (p.1724).—Canistrum lindenii forma exiguum Treated as a synonym of Canistrum lindenii var. roseum forma humile Reitz (p.1724).—Canistrum lindenii forma procerum Formerly as forma with taxon nbr. 7c5 .—Canistrum lindenii var. roseum formerly as forma with taxon number 36- 7c (p.1724).—Canistrum purpureum Considered a synonym of Nidularium procerum Lindman (p.1625).—Canistrum purpureum Considered a synonym of Nidularium billbergioides (Shultes f.) L.B. Sm. ?? (p.1610).—Canistrum regnellii Considered a synonym of Canistrum cyathiforma (Vellozo) Mez (p.1717).—Canistrum schwackeanum Considered a synonym of Canistrum cyathiforma (Vellozo) Mez (p.1717).—Caraguata acanga Considered a synonym of Bromelia plumieri (E. Morr.) L.B.Sm. (p.1681).—Caraguata planta crescens in arnboribus et putridis Arborum Treated as a synonym of Aechmea aquilega var aquilega (p.1823).—Catopsis paniculata The Morren Icon cited by Baker is evidently drawn from this plant of which no herbarium specimen appears to have been kept. (p.1376).—Chevaliera Lectotype designated : Chevaliera sphaerocephala Gaudich. ex Beer, Fam. Bromel.: 22, 150. Sep-Oct 1856 (‘1857’), (sub Chevalieria in ING Card No. 00208. 1 Oct 1955). (p.1778).—Chevaliera ornata Gaudichaud 129 e.p. designated as the type, but typified by Goudich. plate 62 (p.1951).—Dyckia oligantha Resurrected as a species on its own. (p.556).—Greigia pearcei Lectotype designated: Pearce 269 (BM) (p.1633).—Guzmania sallieri Considered a synonym of Canistrum cyathiforma (Vellozo) Mez (p.1717).—Hechtia pitcairniifolia The illustration in the protologue of Hechtia pitcairniifolia, designated as the lectotype of that name. (p.1712).—Hohenbergia capitata Treated as an Aechmea (p.1818).—Hohenbergia ferruginea considered a synonym of Hohenbergia augusta (Vell.) E. Morr. (p.1746).—Hylaeaicum (subgen. of Aregelia) Lectotype designated: Nidularium eleutheropetalum Ule (p.1533).—Karatas cyanea Treated as a synonym of Neoregelia tristis. (p.1564).—Karatas guianensis Considered a synonym of Bromelia laciniosa Mart. ex Schult. & Schult.f. (p.1656).—Karatas neglecta placed as synonym to Nidularium neglectum and Nidularium innocentii var. striatum Wittmack in part (p.1614, 1620).—Karatas regnellii Considered a synonym of Canistrum cyathiforma (Vellozo) Mez (p.1717).—Mosenia Treated as a synonym of Canistrum E.Morr. (p.1715).—Mosenia sicarius Treated as a synonym of Canistrum cyathiforme (Vel.) Mez (p.1717).—Neoregelia pineliana forma phyllanthidea Considered a man made cultivar, not found in the wild. (p.1548).—Neoregelia sarmentosa var. chlorosticta Treated as a synonym of Neoregelia chlorosticta (p.1561).—Nidularium deleonii Considered a synonym of Ronnbergia deleonii L.B.Sm. (not as to basionym) (p.1499).—Nidularium innocentii Formerly taxon nbr. 8a. Lectotype designated: Pinel in Ghent hort., original description in the absence of any specimen. (p.1614).—Nidularium punctatissimum treated as a synonym of Neoregelia punctatissima (p.1561).—Ochagavia lindleyana Not accepted as new combination in Ochagavia as intended by Mez, because Bromelia lindleyana is invalid and therefore not available as a basonym (p.1531).—Orthophytum duartei Formerly taxon number 34- 11 (p.1704).—Orthophytum leprosum Lectotype designated: Pohl 5229 (W lost?) (p.1707).—Pironneava p. 1515 not as to pl. 63 .—Prantleia glabra Lectotype designated (p.1707).—Quesnelia morreniana Origin unknown, possibly of hybrid origin .—Rhodostachys chamissonis Lectotype designated: Chile, Concepción, 2.-3.1816, Chamisso 89 (B). (p.1531).—Rhodostachys joinvillei Considered a synonym of Ochagavia litoralis; wrongly ascribed to Bentham (p.1711).—Rhodostachys pitcairniifolia wrongly ascribed to Bentham (p.1711).—Ronnbergia aciculosa Formerly taxon number 21- 10 .—Ronnbergia columbiana Formerly taxon number 21- 3 .—Ronnbergia deleonii Was taxon number 21- 1 .—Ronnbergia explodens Formerly taxon number 21- 8 .—Ronnbergia hathewayi Formerly taxon number 21- 4 .—Ronnbergia killipiana Formerly taxon number 21- 5 .—Ronnbergia maidifolia Formerly taxon number 21- 7 .—Ronnbergia maidifolia Lectotype designated: Lehmann 6386 (B) (p.1505).—Ronnbergia morreniana Formerly taxon number 21- 6 .—Ronnbergia nidularioides Was taxon number 21- 1.1 .—Ronnbergia petersii Was taxon number 21- 2 .—Streptocalyx orthopoda Treated as a synonym of Portea petropolitana var. noettigii L.B.Sm. (p.2046).—Tillandsia aizoides Lectotype designated: Hieronymus & Niederlein 850 (B) (p.881).—Tillandsia amoena Neotype designated: Loddiges Hort. in Lindley s.n. (CGE), see Turner 2016 (p.1981).—Tillandsia calocephala Considered a synonym of Tillandsia nana Baker, but not followed by Rauh (p.807).—Tillandsia fasciculata var. clavispica Lectotype designated: Eggers 4730 (Lectotype: K, Isolectotypes: P, US) (p.950).—Tillandsia fasciculata var. densispica Lectotype designated: Curtis 2844 (Lectotype: K, Isolectotypes: GH, US) (p.951).—Tillandsia fasciculata var. uncispica Lectotype designated: Wright 1516 A (Lectotype: GOET, Isolectotypes: GH, US) (p.952).—Tillandsia fasciculata var. venosispica Lectotype designated: Sintenis 473 (Lectotype: K, Isolectotype US) (p.949).—Tillandsia insularis Designation of the Lectotype: Steindachner 29 (p.1043).—Tillandsia kegeliana Lectotype designated: Kegel 881 (GOET) (p.922).—Vriesea sceptrum Lectotype designated: Regnell III 1254 e p (Lectotype: US, Isolectotype P) (p.1099).