<- Flores et al. 2017 (Article) Pitcairnia

Pitcairnia singularis (Pitcairnioideae, Bromeliaceae), a new species from Jalisco, Mexico

Author(s):A. Flores A., A. Espejo S. & A.R. López-ferrari

Corresponding email:aes@xanum.uam.mx

Publication:Phytotaxa 291(4): 275–280. (2017) — DOI

Abstract:—Pitcairnia singularis, known only from the municipality of Puerto Vallarta in the state of Jalisco, Mexico, is here described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by very narrow, epetiolate, deciduous normal leaves, a simple inflorescence with 14–20 pedicellate, secund, white flowers, and petals 1.5–1.7 cm long, without appendages. An identification key has been included for all the species of the genus present in the state of Jalisco, Mexico.

Keywords:—Jalisco, Pitcairnia subgenus Pitcairnia, Sierra del Cuale

Published names (1):
Pitcairnia singularis