Schutz 2014 (Article) Deuterocohnia
Deuterocohnia meziana (Bromeliaceae): subspecies classification and the description of the new subspecies D. meziana subsp. vogtii from northern Paraguay
Author(s):—N. Schütz
Publication:—Phytotaxa 162(1): 18–30. (2014)
Abstract:— Deuterocohnia meziana is distributed in southeastern Bolivia, northern Paraguay and western Brazil. The xerophytic species colonizes dry, rocky slopes or outcrops. This study classifies four subspecies of Deuterocohnia meziana: (1) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. meziana; (2) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. carmineo-viridiflora, which has formerly been described as a variety; (3) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. pedicellata, previously described as a separate species; and (4) Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. vogtii, a new subspecies from northern Paraguay. In addition to notes on nomenclature, morphology and biogeography, a key to the subspecies is provided.
Published names (4):Deuterocohnia longipetala x meziana
Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. carmineoviridiflora
Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. pedicellata
Deuterocohnia meziana subsp. vogtii
Taxonomy:—Deuterocohnia carmineoviridiflora Stat. nov. Treated as subspecies of Deuterocohnia meziana Kuntze ex Mez (p.23).—Deuterocohnia pedicellata Comb. et stat. nov. Treated as a subsp. of Deuterocohnia meziana Kuntze ex. Mez (p.25).