Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5

<- Ingeborg Niesler - Picture Donor

Born:Image of Ingeborg Niesler
Brom.Career:Ingeborg prepared over 300 plates of Bromeliaceae species mainly from the Botanical Garden of Hamburg from which she dissected the flowers and made high resolution scans of all flower parts, that were compiled into one plate with rulers for all parts.
She presented her work at one of the DBG meetings in 2015, which was summarized in an article in Die Bromelie with the title 'Scanned Bromeliads – a Flash of Colours! '. Scans of 200 species of other families were presented in the book 'Bildatlas der Blütenpflanzen - 200 botanische Familien im Porträt' .

Encyclopaedia of Bromeliads
Version 5

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