
<- Tillandsia roetingii Rauh[as Tillandsia roetingii W Rauh]

Observations: —T. roetingii regarding form and color of the leaf, just as that in the color of the inflorescence has a certain similarity with the Columbian Tillandsia longifolia BAKER, but also with the Ecuadorian Tillandsia hirtzii RAUH ( Bromelienstudien VI, S., 342). Vegetatively but not in flowering condition T. roetingii is hard to distinguish from those. However, T. roetingii when in the flowering condition differs strongly from both, so they are not allied. T. longifolia and T. hirtzii possess complanate spikes, whose ecarinate floral bracts are as long as the sepals or these even overhang, compared to T. roetingii with carinate floral bracts and essentially short as the sepals. Also T. roetingii bears no relationship to those types with hanging down secund flowering, like T. mima L. B. SMITH or T. secunda H.B.K.,

Edited from : Rauh 1977. Bromelienstudien (Mitteilung 7). I. Neue und wenig bekannte Arten aus Peru und anderen Ländern .