
<- Dyckia avacanoeira Forzza & Faria[as Dyckia avacanoeira ]
Diagnose: —Dyckia avacanoeira is most similar to Dyckia reflexa (Forzza & Wand.) Forzza, especially in the floral morphology, but differs by the much larger, 0.6–1 m diameter rosettes (vs. 15–30 cm), erect leaves (vs. reflexed), leaf blade 1.3–1.6 cm wide (vs. 1.5–2.7 cm wide) and sparsely lepidote adaxially (vs. densely lepidote adaxially), and peduncle bracts foliaceous and exceeding the internodes until the middle portion (vs. peduncle bracts differing from the leaves and smaller or equaling the internodes until the middle portion).

Observations: —Dyckia avacanoeira is unique in the genus by the combination of the following: flowers predominantly sessile or short-pedicellate, completely green; and leaves erect, forming rosettes 0.6–1 m in diameter, blades 28–48 x 1.3–1.6 cm, very narrowly triangular, greenish to grayish green, lepidote abaxially and sparsely lepidote adaxially. To date, this is the only species in the genus recorded for Chapada dos Veadeiros that has green flowers, which makes it relatively easy to recognize. Morphologically, it is most similar to Dyckia reflexa (Forzza & Wand.) Forzza, but differs by the much larger rosettes, 0.6–1 m diameter (vs. 15–30 cm), erect leaves (vs. reflexed), blade 1.3–1.6 cm wide (vs. 1.5–2.7 cm wide) and sparsely lepidote adaxially (vs. densely lepidote adaxially), and peduncle bracts foliaceous and exceeding the internodes until the middle portion (vs. peduncle bracts differing from leaves and smaller or equaling the internodes until the middle portion).

Edited from : Antar et al. 2021. (protologue) Novelties in Dyckia (Pitcairnioideae - Bromeliaceae) from the South America dry diagonal: Two new species, a new combination and a new name .