
Pseudalcantarea (subgen. of Tillandsia) Mez
plant epiphytic or epilithic, rarely terrestrial herbs, medium to large sized, acaulescent, forming impounding rosettes. leaves mesomorphic, green to moderately lepidote; blade lingulate or triangular. inflorescence simple or coumpound, a once branched panicle with ascending branches; floral bractslonger than the internodes. flowers large, distichously, laxly to subdensely arranged; sepals symmetric, ecarinate; petals light green, free, linear or nearly so, 9–12.3 cm long, ephemeral, flaccidescent soon after anthesis, forming a tubular corolla with blades spreading, ± spirally twisted (helicoiform), without basal appendages. stamens about equaling the petals, long exserted from the corolla; filament free; anther dorsifixed near the middle, versatile, curved; pollen sulcate, exine reticulate, with a sulcus of the complex diffuse type (subtype c). pistil: ovary about 1/3–1/2 inferior; ovules appendiculate shorter than or about as long as the ovule proper; style long exserted from the corolla; stigma green, of the conduplicate-erect type or conduplicate-patent type. fruits: seeds with an appendage at the basal end distinctly longer than the seed proper, appendage at the apical end short, about half as long as to as long as the seed proper, undivided;.

Edited from : Barfuss et al. 2016. Taxonomic revision of Bromeliaceae subfam. Tillandsioideae based on a multi-locus DNA sequence phylogeny and morphology .