
Cryptanthus aracruzensis Leme & L.Kollmann  diagnose
plant terrestrial, stemless, flowering 4–5 cm tall, propagating by short basal shoots. leaves 8–10 in number, distinctly coriaceous mainly toward the base, spreading, forming a lax rosette; sheath subtriangular, inconspicuous, ca 1.5 × 2.5 cm, whitish, glabrescent toward the base, densely and coarsely white lepidote at the apex; blade sublinear to narrowly lanceolate, long attenuate and ending with a caudate apex, 20–45 × 1.5–3.8 cm, without a distinct thicker median zone, green to dark red toward the base mainly abaxially, adaxial and abaxial sides strongly contrasting; adaxial side sparsely to subdensely and coarsely white lepidote near the base and glabrous toward the apex, opaque; abaxial side completely covered by a coarse layer of white to sometimes castaneous trichomes, the castaneous trichomes sometimes forming irregular crossbands, margins densely but inconspicuously spinose, spines 0.3–0.4 mm long, 2–4 mm apart, antrorsely uncinate; the outer leaf blades much longer than the inner ones, distinctly narrowed and canaliculate toward the base but not petiolate, basal channel u-shaped, flat toward the apex, margins inconspicuously undulate; the inner blades inconspicuously narrowed toward the base. inflorescence sessile, ca 2.5 cm long, 2.5–3 cm in diameter (not including the primary bracts); primary bracts foliaceous to subfoliaceous, spreading-recurved. flowers fascicles 5–7 in number, densely aggregated, pulvinate, 15–20 × 13–18 mm (excluding the petals), 5–8 mm thick, 6–12-flowered; floral bracts triangular, acuminate, submembranaceous toward the base and margins, wine colored toward the base and nigrescent near the apex, coarsely white lepidote, nerved, slightly shorter than the sepals, margins remotely spinulose, alate-carinate (the outer ones) to obtusely if at all carinate (the inner ones), 15–18 × 7–10 mm, at least the outer ones strongly convex; flowers* all perfect, sessile, 27–30 mm long, fragrant; sepals ca 13 mm long, connate at the base for ca 5 mm, lobes ovate, acuminate, ca 8 × 3 mm, dark wine colored except for the hyaline margins, coarsely white lepidote, the adaxial ones alate-carinate with the keel decurrent on the ovary, the abaxial one obtusely if at all carinate; petals broadly spathulate, 23–24 × 9 mm, connate at the base for 12–14 mm, white, the free lobes suborbicular, subacute to rounded, distinctly longer than the stamens but spreading at anthesis and exposing them, bearing 2 inconspicuous callosities at the base. stamens: filament 15–16 mm long, equally adnate to the petals for the length of its basal tube; anther 4–5 mm long, dorsifixed near the base, base distinctly bilobed, apex rounded; pollen ellipsoid, sulcate, inconspicuously brochate. pistil: style equaling to slightly surpassing the anthers; stigma simple erect, white, blades broadly spathulate with irregularly scalloped margins; ovary 4 × 4–5 mm, trigonous, white; epigynous tube lacking; ovules numerous, obtuse; placentation apical. fruits unknown.

Edited from : Leme & Kollmann 2013. (protologue) Miscellaneous New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae .