
<- Cryptanthus aracruzensis Leme & L.Kollmann[as Cryptanthus aracruzensis Leme & L.Kollmann]
Diagnose: —This new species is characterized by leaves being distinctly coriaceous toward the base and comparatively shorter, leaf blades with inconspicuous marginal spines, the sessile inflorescence which is comparatively short, with a reduced number of flower fascicles, wine colored and coarsely white lepidote sepals and by the highly connate petals. All these features distinguish it from Cryptanthus sanctaluciae.

Observations: —Observations: Cryptanthus aracruzensis is closely related to the recently described C. sanctaluciae Leme & Kollmann (2008: 12). However, it differs by the smaller size when in bloom (4–5 cm vs. 21–25 cm tall), leaves distinctly coriaceous toward the base (vs. slightly coriaceous only), leaf blades shorter (20–45 cm vs. 43–65 cm long), with inconspicuous marginal spines (0.3–0.4 mm vs. 0.5–1 mm long), inflorescence sessile (vs. on a 11–15 cm long peduncle) and shorter (ca. 2.5 cm vs. 6.5–7.5 cm long) with reduced number of flower fascicles (5–7 vs. 10–11), dark wine colored and coarsely white lepidote sepals (vs. soon stramineous and pale brown lepidote), and by the higher connate petals (connate for 12–14 mm vs. ca. 8 mm).

Cryptanthus aracruzensis lives in a middle to lower elevated region (300–400 m) about 20 km in straight line from the ocean, while its morphological relative, C. sanctaluciae, is known from higher elevated areas (800–900 m) in the mountainous county of Santa Teresa, located about 50 km distant in straight line from the ocean.

Edited from : Leme & Kollmann 2013. (protologue) Miscellaneous New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae .