
Aechmea ituberaensis Leme & L.Kollmann  diagnose
plant terrestrial, stoloniferous; stolons ca 7 cm long, ca 0.8 cm in diameter. leaves ca 7 in number, thinly coriaceous, suberect, exceeding the inflorescence, forming a narrow funnelform to subtubular rosette; sheath narrowly oblong-elliptic, 15–23 × 6 cm, densely and minutely white lepidote on both sides, wine colored adaxially, green abaxially; blade linear, acuminate, 40–75 × 2.8–4.3 cm, distinctly canaliculate mainly toward the base, bearing a u-shaped protruded central channel, entire, inconspicuously and sparsely white lepidote on both sides, green or sometimes reddish. inflorescence: peduncle erect, slender, ca 34 cm long, 4–5 mm in diameter, subdensely white lanate when young, green; peduncle bracts lanceolate, acuminate-caudate, 25–50 × 8–13 mm, thin in texture, erect, equaling to exceeding the internodes, partly exposing the peduncle, entire, pale green, nerved, inconspicuously white sublanate; fertile part simple, cylindric, 11–12 cm long, ca 3 cm in diameter (excluding the petals), subdensely flowered, rachis pale green to yellowish, subdensely and inconspicuously white sublanate, slightly angulose; floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, acuminate-caudate, membranaceous, pale green, sparsely white sublanate, entire, finely nerved, 5–10 × 3–5 mm, the lower ones slightly exceeding the ovary, the upper ones shorter than the ovary. flowers ca 40 in number, ca 20 mm long, sessile, polystichously arranged, subspreading, odorless, anthesis diurnal; sepals obovate, ca 9 × 5 mm, connate at the base for ca 2 mm, ecarinate, sparsely and inconspicuously white puberulent to glabrous, pale green at the base to yellowish and whitish toward the apex, strongly asymmetrical, the lateral wing rounded, membranaceous, equaling to slightly exceeding the apex (without the mucro) and shorter than the apical mucro; the apical mucro slender, ca 1.5 mm long, castaneous; petals narrowly subspathulate, acuminate, spreading-recurved at anthesis, ca 12 × 3 mm, free, white, without appendages, bearing 2 conspicuous callosities about equaling the filaments. stamens included; filaments, the antepetalous ones adnate to the petals at the base for ca 3.5 mm, the antesepalous ones free; anther sublinear, ca 3 mm long, base distinctly bilobed, apex apiculate, dorsifixed near the middle; pollen broadly ellipsoid, biporate, pores small, exine perforate, muri thickened. pistil: stigma conduplicate-spiral, subcylindric, white, blades inconspicuously crenulate, ca 6 mm long; ovary obconic, terete, ca 8 mm long, ca 5.5 mm in diameter at the apex, pale green to yellowish, sparsely and inconspicuously puberulent lepidote; epigynous tube ca 1.5 mm long; ovules obtusely apiculate, placentation apical. fruits unknown.

Edited from : Leme & Kollmann 2013. (protologue) Miscellaneous New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae .