
<- Aechmea ituberaensis Leme & L.Kollmann[as Aechmea ituberaensis Leme & L.Kollmann]
Diagnose: —This new species is characterized by the reduced number of leaves, the broader leaf blades with green apices, shorter floral bracts, longer flowers, sepals with shorter apical mucron and by the white petal blade. Those features distinguish it from Aechmea altocaririensis, the closest relative.

Observations: —Observations: Aechmea ituberaensis is closely related to the recently described A.altocaririensis Leme & Kollmann (2011: 6), differing by its reduced number of leaves (ca. 7 vs. 12 to 16 in number), broader leaf blades (2.8-4.3 cm vs. 2-3.2 cm) with green apices (vs. blackish apex), shorter floral bracts (5-10 mm vs. 8-23 mm long), longer flowers (ca. 20 mm vs. 15-16 mm long), sepals with shorter apical mucro (ca. 1.5 mm vs. 2-3 mm long), and by the white blades of the petals (vs. lilac).

While A. altocaririensis is a typical dweller of the Atlantic Forest of countryside areas, about 900 m elevation, in Minas Gerais state near the border of Bahia state, A. ituberaensis lives at sea level in areas near the coast, in islands of forest in the domain of Restinga vegetation.

Edited from : Leme & Kollmann 2013. (protologue) Miscellaneous New species of Brazilian Bromeliaceae .